Chapter 3:

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Chapter 3:

Kaylen's POV:

Tyler insisted Ara and I stay in his hotel room, as he rushed out the door to do "shopping for vidcon" or something. 

"Hey, do you wanna go get some new clothes for vidcon? I know I kinda stole the idea from Tyler, but I think its what we need to clear our minds from all these boy troubles." Ara asked, pulling her pink wisps back into a bun. I nodded, wiping my eyes and probably smudging my already destroyed makeup.

"I'll be ready in five." I said as I stood up from the bed to get my makeup bag and a change of clothes from my room. My hand hovered over the doorknob and I turned around to face Ara with an embarassed smile.

"Don't know how to get to your room from here?"

"Uhm.. maybe?" I said with a giggle. She jumped off the bed and grabbed my hand pulling me into the hall. In the short time I've known this girl, I've realized she does that a lot. I glanced out the window on the way to my room, it was getting dark.

"So where are you from?" Ara asked, rolling her tongue piercing between her teeth. 

"You ask a lot of questions." 

"Ohhh. So you're from some really cool secret place you can't tell me because you're on a secret mission to save the world and-"

"Ohio." This girl sure was a little kid inside underneath her harsh outer appearance. 

"Aww you're no fun. You could of at least made up a cool fake place to be from instead of boring ohio. What do they have there? Cows? We have tourists!" She said pointing to herself. My room came into view.

"You talk a lot." I said, and ran into my room quickly shutting the door, but reopening it a crack. "I need a break from all your talking, its giving me a headache." She rolled her eyes.

"Fine. But only five minutes! I'm counting." She said slyly while tapping her foot. I jumped out of my jeans and slipped on a new pair and a t-shirt, all while attempting to walk to the bathroom in my room. I looked up in the mirror, pushing my bleached blonde hair behind my ears. It actually used to be brown.  Ew. My mascara and eyeliner was smudged around my blue eyes, making me look like a zombie. How had Tyler and Ara even looked at me? I wiped it all off and redid it in 4 minutes. New record! 

"Ready!" I said flinging the door open. Ara looked up from her phone.

"Let's go. We're taking my car." she said emotionless. Had someone said something to her? Or sent her a mean text? I mentally shrugged as we walked down the hall. She was silent, unlike her usual chatter, and she avoided eye contact with the boy at the front desk as we left the hotel. Skye sent me a glare from the front desk. I ignored him and followed Ara out of the hotel and to her car. I slid into the passenger seat and she turned up the radio to full volume. One Direction? Seriously? There was more to this girl then I thought. Halfway through the song she started screaming the lyrics, the windows open and my hair whipping me in the face. She smiled and kept on singing like she didn't have a care in the world. Her mood swings were really confusing me, but soon I joined in and we were happily screaming One Direction lyrics into the night. Finally we got to the mall, and we ran out of the car out of breath from our "performance."

"Let's hit Forever 21 first since it's on this side of the mall," she said grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the mall. We earned some glares from workers for laughing so loudly in the store at this hour. We stopped and got pretzels and smoothies from the cafeteria, before leaving with a fresh new wardrobe for vidcon. 

We arrived back at the hotel at 2:00 am, exhausted from the day. I was giggling loudly in the halls, and Ara punched me in the arm.

"Shut up!" she whispered, trying not to smile. "People are trying to sleep!" We ran as quietly as we could down the hall to Tyler's room. Ara knocked on the door, but there was no answer.

"Shit. Tyler's asleep and he's the only one with the card to his room." Ara whispered in my ear. I sighed.

"Fine. My room." We took the long, treacharous, journey back to my room, where Ara and I shared the bed and stayed up late watching youtube videos.

"I hope we get to meet all them tommorow," Ara said with a yawn. I was half falling asleep too.

"Maybe we'll find our future husbands!" I squealed with as much energy as a sleep deprived person can.

"Yeah..." she muttered dreamily as she sunk back into the pile of pillows in the bed. Shortly after, I was asleep to, and dreaming of the endless possibilities of vidcon tommorow. It would be the best time of my life. I drifted away with a smile. Vidcon would be perfect. If only I knew.

CLIFFHANGER. I guess? I don't really know. Just... ASDFGHJKL. Comment your favorite character so far! :) Thanks for reading! 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2014 ⏰

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