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I lay in my bed waiting for something to motivate me to get up. My stomach growls, I grown and say "Fine I'll get up."

I walk to the pantry in the kitchen and grab out my cereal, I grab the milk out of the fridge. Before sitting and eating I go into my room and grab my phone.

After eating breakfast I go to the bathroom brush my teeth, wash my face. I go into my room and turn on my tv and go to Netflix.
I say aloud to my self "I've already watched it like 100 times, why not watch it again." I say picking the show Greys Anatomy.

I get comfortable in my bed and look at my phone when my reminder goes off saying "Jake's house to study."
I turn it off and go to our previous messages that say what time to be over to his house.

"So what ever time you want is fine for me. " I read Jake's message, I scroll down some more to see what I responded with.

"Ok fine your gonna make me choose. Lol! How about 12 I come over?" I cringe at my humor I start scrolling to read the next message.

"Ok 12 sounds fine with me, we are still on for Tuesday right?" I read it and look over at the clock which says 10:00, "so I have about two hours to get ready." I think to myself.

"Yep Tuesday is still on. Will I see you tomorrow at church?" I read.

"Alrighty. And no sorry I've got to work." I kept reading.

I turn my phone off and walk to my sister's room and say "I'm leaving in about two hours to go over to Jake's house. Just wanted to let you know your gonna be by yourself for a while till dad gets off of work at two."

Grace says "Ok. Just tell me when your actually going to leave please."

"Ok." I say rolling my eyes before walking to my room.

I go to my desk and look at the math  book and binder full of work I have to do. I sigh and throw myself on to my bed. I get up and go to my closet and my blue flowery design dress catches my eye. I pull it out and look at it and say "Yes! perfect."
I hang it on my door and go to the mirror and do my makeup. When I finished my makeup I take my hair out of the french braid I had while I was sleeping.
When I finish fixing my hair I put on my dress and look at the time "Ok it's 11:30, I have a while." I say walking to my shoe collection.

"Ok you have the choice of these brownish tan ones. Or. These white sandals." I say holding up each pair in my hands.

"Brown ones." Grace says leaning on my door.

"Yeah. Thanks." I say putting on the brown pair.

"They look good on you." Grace says.

"Thanks. I'm about to leave I just have to put this book and binder in my bag." I say putting them in my back bag and grabbing my phone and keys.

"Bye." We say in unison before closing the door behind me.

When I get to Jake's house I knock on the door. I drop the backpack on the ground "Gosh this thing is heavy!" I say.

"Hey stranger." Jake says opening the door.

"Hi." I say grabbing the bag off the ground.

"Here let me get that. It looks heavy." Jake says taking the bag from me.

"Thank you it is really heavy." I say following Jake inside.

We walk into the living room where he puts the bag on the couch and turns to me and says "So would you like anything to drink or to eat? It's about lunch time?"

"Hum no I'm not really hungry but I'll have water." I say looking at him.

Jake says smiling "Ok. I don't have water anything else? I'm just kidding I have water."

"Haha very funny. But you have to show me the pictures you took on Sunday." I say following him to his kitchen.

"Ok I'll show you... but you have to promise not to tell anyone that I showed you. There top secret. Heres your water." Jake says handing me my water.

"Ok I promise." I say going along with his joke.

He pulls out his phone walks over to me and shows me the pictures he took on the beach. I think to myself  "man does he smell good."

"Those are so good. How and when did you take them? Like I know on Sunday. But like at sunset or sunrise? They look so similar but so different at the same time. Do you know what I'm saying?" I ask.

"Yes I know what your saying. And yes I did take them on Sunday. What I did was I got up like before sunrise went to the beach and took sunrise pictures. Then I went home and slept. I got up before sunset and went back to the beach and took sunset pictures. Cool right. I get paid to sleep." Jake says.

"Oh my gosh really! I've always wanted to do that. Not exactly that but you know the pictures of the twelve hours of sun in the sky, and then the twelve hours of moon in the sky? That's something to do. Also you don't get paid to sleep. You get paid to take beautiful pictures. Which you did."  I say still looking at jake.

"Yeah I've seen pictures like that. That are very good. And thank you. Would you like pretzels? As a snack?" Jake asks looking at me.

I got so lost in his eyes that I almost didn't say anything."Huh yeah sure. And your welcome." I say looking away from Jake.

"Alright we have the snack and you and I have a drink. So how about some math?" Jake asks walking to the living room.

"Hugh, fine." I say sitting and grabbing my math book and binder out.

"Oh wow. How much of this do you have to do?" Jake asks looking at the binder.

"Well all of it. But the book is just to go by if I need help." I say setting the book on the in-table he has.

"Ok. Alrighty let's get started." He says opening the book.

After three hours of math and a half eaten bowl of pretzels Jake says "Ok we are done with that. Do you want to be done or keep going?" Jake asks.

"Could we be done please?" I ask begging.

"Yes we can. You've had enough torture for today?" Jake asks.

"Yes I have." I say looking at my phone "Oh my gosh we've been doing math for three hours." I say surprised.

"It feels like it's been longer." Jake says reaching for some pretzels.

I put the book and binder in my bag. I turn back around and see Jake starting to clean up and I say "Here let me help."

"No I got it you go ahead and go home." Jake says.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yeah go. I'll see you later." Jake says.

"Ok. See you later. Call or text me when is a good time." I say walking towards the door with my bag.

"Ok. Bye Natalie." Jake says.

I turn around to where I am facing him and say "Bye Jake." I wave before heading out the door.

When I get home my dad is home and he asks "Hey Natalie how was it?"

I respond with "Hey dad it was great we got a lot done."

"That's great." My dad says.

"Yep... I can't wait till next time."

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