This is just the beginning

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"So I've been in school for a month now and I'm just now finding out I have a huge test! And it's math! Can you believe this!" I toss my hands in the air.
Jake chuckles and sits back in the chair he is in.

"Well you should kinda expect that. That is usuly what happens when in high school very unexpected tests." Jake smirks.

"Its tomorrow! This is not funny!" I make my way to the couch.

"You know Nat I can help you study. That is what I am here for." He jokes as he sits forward.

"Yeah I know, but the thing is that even if we start now we would probably not finish till around 1am, and my mom won't let me stay out that late. I mean unless she lets me stay the night, which I highly doubt she would let me." I sigh.

"Why don't you just ask her? I mean it wouldn't hurt. Also if not I will help you as best as I can and you can study the rest at your house." Jake suggests.

"Yeah your right, I'm gonna go ask her. Don't move. Don't go any where." I point to him as I go out the door.

"Not going anywhere." Jake shouts back.


"Mom!" I shout when I get in the house.

"Yes! In my room!" My mom calls back.

"So I have a question?" I ask.

"I could possibly have a answer." My mom looks up from her book.

"So there is this test, math test. As you know Jake has been helping me so much with my math over the summer. So this test is tommorow and I was wondering if he could help me study for it? But the thing is we could possibly not finish till like 1 in the morning so..."

My mom interrupts. "Absolutely not! For one it is a school night. Second you don't need to be out that late!" My mom takes the glasses off of her face and looks me in the eyes.

"Well then, I was wondering if I could just stay the night? Cause it would be easier. If we do finish by 1 then I wouldn't have to bother coming home or anything I could just sleep on his couch?" I cross my fingers behind my back.

"Does he know about this?" My mom asks.

"Yeah he is the one who came up with the idea." I smile.

"Ok fine. But I want you home right after school tommorow understand." She picks up her glasses and puts them on.

"Yes ma'am. Thank you! I'm gonna pack my stuff and grab my math stuff." I walk to my room.


I walk into his house and he is not in the chair or in the living room. So I head towards the hallway, when he walks out and startles me. "Hey! So?" He asks.

"Gosh you scared me! And yes I can stay!" I put my bag on the ground.

"So math! Yay!" He jokes. "So do you want me to order us a pizza?" Jake reaches for his phone.

"Ooh yes!" I smile looking at the way his smile reaches his eyes making them sparkle.

"How does... pepperoni?" We both say in unison and smile.

"So where am I going to sleep?" I ask as I watch him look up the number for the pizza place.

"I thought you could sleep in my room, and I would sleep here on the couch." He looks at me.

"No I will sleep on the couch!" I say.

"No I won't let you!" He says right back at me.

"No I won't let you either!" I say equally as fast. "We can just share your bed!"

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