Yami X Reader

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For iloveyamiforever


You were running to school, yelling "I'm late!". You were nearly at the school when you bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry!" You said to the person.

"Hehe, it's alright" a deep voice replied.

You looked up and you started to blush. It was Yami, your crush. His deep voice, his muscly body!

"What's your name?" Yami asked, looking at you.

"I...I'm Y...Y/N" You stuttered.

"Well Y/N......" Yami started to say when the bell rang.

"I'm late! See you!" You yelled as you ran.

You got to the classroom and  sat down. You realised what you did.

"Oh no! I left Yami right there! He must hate me now...." You thought. "But, I did say bye!"

You shook your head and listened to the teacher.

Time Skip::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

It was lunch. You ran out of the classroom. You got outside when you tripped.

"I'm going to fall!" You thought. But you never hit the ground. You looked up and saw Yami.

"Uh.......um..." You stuttered, with your face all red.

"Are you alright? We somehow meet like this...." Yami said while holding you.

"Um....yes...." You said.

Yami put you down and stared at you.

"Is something on my face?" You ask.

Yami had the slightest blush. "No! No.... I..." Yami said, trying to explain.

"It's alright!" You said, leaning closer.

Yami also leaned closer, until he closed the gap, meaning you two kissed.

You went wide eyed but returned the kiss.

After 30 seconds, you two broke apart.

"Um....." You said, your face all red.

"I...I like you Y/N" Yami said while blushing.

"I...I like you too, Yami" You replied while thinking:

"OMG! Yami kissed me! He likes me!"

"Let's go sit down!" You said, grabbing Yami's hand.

"Right" He said.

You two held hands and walked down the path.

"Yami and Me, Together Forever"
My first request! I hoped you liked it iloveyamiforever!

It was really fun to write! Thank you!

If anyone else has any other requests, comment on the "Requests" page!

Bon bon out! 💝

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