Yuya x Reader (2)

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"Good luck Yuya....it's show time!" (Y/n) said as she kissed Yuya on the cheek. This was what Yuya called a 'good luck' kiss, and she has always done this before an action duel.

"Of course! With your lucky kiss, I won't lose!" He said, holding your hands. He ran back to the center of the arena and started the duel all fired up.


"Yuya, what's wrong? You've been like this all day!" You cried out. Ever since the duel he had today, he's been acting all pouty. Before he stared the duel, he ran up to you, expecting something.

You told him words of good luck, and smiled, but he looked disappointed. When you asked him what was wrong, he shook his head and told you not to worry. He waved as he ran to the centre.

"Humph." Yuya pouted, and you sighed. 'What did I do? Think (Y/N) Think!' you thought, as you watched him.

"What's wrong with him?" Zuzu asked bluntly as she walked into the room. "I don't know." You said, sighing. Zuzu had an idea. She went up to him with her paper fan and threatened him.

"Tell me right now what's wrong." She questioned, but he sighed. "I'm leaving. Tell me if he starts talking." Zuzu said, walking away.

"Come on Yuya! Tell me!" You said, walking in front of him. "I...lost my favourite card!" He said, and you raised an eyebrow.

"Lost your favourite card? Then why aren't you crying? Or asking me to help?" You asked, not believing the story.

"Ok fine. I didn't lose my favourite card. I....wasn't able to duel today hahahaha!" He laughed, and you looked at him.

"You just dueled. Why won't you tell me what's wrong?" You asked him again.

"Ok ok! I....." He started. "I....?" You asked. "I...wanted to do this!" He said, doing a funny face. You started to laugh.

"Y-yuya! You still haven't told me what's wrong!" You cried out, trying to stop laughing. He continued making funny faces, and at the end you were on the floor, crying your eyes out.

"Haha....but you still haven't told me what's wrong...." you said, out of breath. He smiled. "It's nothing. No need to worry about me."

"Hmm...." you said, standing up and walking closer to him. He put his hands in surrender as you continued to come closer.

"Uhhh...(Y/N)?" He questioned, while you squinted. "Could it be....." You say, and you kiss him on the cheek. Yuya put a hand on his cheek, turning red.

"I see now....that's why you were  pouty." You said, smirking. "N-o! I wasn't missing them or anything hahaha!" He stuttered, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yuya...you could have just told me! I'm sorry for forgetting your lucky kiss...you still won!" You said, and he turned away from you.

"That was a fluke. Without your lucky kiss, I could have lost." He muttered loudly, and you started laughing.

"Yuya, never change." You said, and he turned around, smiling wide.

This story idea came from white4nim4l! Thank you for the idea! I hope you like it!

(Yuya's name changed to Tuna while I was writing and I just....can't.)

Thanks for reading!

Miku out!

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