Yuma x Shy Reader!

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"I'm feeling the flow!" Yuma yelled out, not before he failed at jumping over the foam pit.

"Hahahah! I knew you couldn't do it!" Bronk yelled out. Yuma looked up at him and yelled:

"I can do it! Let me try again!"

Among all of that, a girl stood next to Tori, who had a scared face on. That is (Y/N) (L/N), best friends with Yuma and Tori.

The only thing about her is that she is shy. It's intresting how they all met:

At lunch, everyone was dueling as always. (Y/N) was watching the duel between Bronk and Shark. She was amazed by the fact of Xyz monsters.

At the end of the duel, when everyone walked away, Bronk came up to you.

"What's a little girl like you still doing here?" He tauntingly asked. You took a deep breath and replied with:

"I...I was watching the duel."

He laughed at you and took your wrist. You tried to break free of his grip but you were stuck.

Before he could do anything, Yuma was running up to him. His face was excited when he was running, but changed to a frown as he approached.

"What are you doing with her?" He asked, pointing at Bronk. He replied with:

"Oh? I was going to take her on a date."

You widened your eyes and yelled:

"He's lying! He just took my wrist!"

Upon realising you yelled, a blush appeared on your face and you looked down.

"Shut up! What are you going to do about it, Yuma?" He asked. Yuma ran towards you and took your other hand. He pulled as hard as he could. The force broke you free.

But, you tripped, falling on top of Yuma. You had your eyes tightly closed.

"Are you ok?" Yuma asked. You opened your eyes and nodded, looking at him.

This lasted for a few more seconds, before you quickly got off him. You put a hand out for Yuma to take. He gladly took it, you pulling him up.

"I'm Yuma Tsukumo! What's your name?" He asked, showing a huge smile.

You quietly replied:

"(Y/N) (L/N)."

"Well (Y/N), come and meet my friends! They will love you!" He said, dragging you along. You didn't resist at all. What you never noticed that he was holding your hand the whole time.

After that, you became friends with all of them. That was the best day of your life.

Back to now:

Yuma got out of the ball pit and walked and stopped at you.

"Come on (Y/N)! It's time to feel the flow!" He yelled, holding your hand. He started to run, dragging you towards the ball pit.

"Yuma!" You yelled out, before you two jumped into the pit. You looked at him and laughed. Yuma blushed. He doesn't always hear it. He joined in the laughter.

By instinct you hugged him. He blushed even more, before returning it.

First request done! This was really fun to do! I am happy to be doing these again!

Miku out~

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