chapter7. n-no more..

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A/n I apologise if Tae's name come out wrong.
My keyboard is stupid it keeps correcting my words.

The next day of school..


"what is with him? "

"he looks like he woke up from dead."
"can that even be a person? Is he alive? "
"he looks so different."
"he looks so pale"
"that eyes are ugly af"

All those conversations was about..........Jungkook.

Yes, Jungkook.

Jungkook right now is sitting on his seat.

He never looked nor been like this in his life.

Extremely dry chapped red lips which due to the dryness started to bleed.

Puffy eyes probably because he was crying the whole time.

Bloodshot tired eyes.

No expression face.
Messy hair.


(p.s I DRAWEd this
I'm sorry if it doesn't look like him
:c I tried at least)

Jungkook looked broken.

He could care less about everything that is happening.
He heard many of his classmates talking behind his back. He just ignored it.

He just felt dead..

He regretted everything.

He regretted going to this place.
He regretted being Taehyungs friend.
He regretted being gay.
He regretted confessing to his love.

He even couldn't believe how his love at the first place was kind, sweet and lovely that made him fall for him, but now......He is nothing but a torture to him.

Everyone in the class noticed Jungkooks condition

They decided not to bully him for today.

But Jungkook he cared less, he was keeping the blank expression the whole class.

Mouth open, bloodshot eyes, red lips..

He couldn't think about anything.

He made himself look like he is not alive.
Everyone noticed that too.

Jungkook didn't move very energetic.
He felt weak.

He felt hopeless.


"Taehyung how is that guy doing? Didn't you notice something odd about him.. " jimin asked his friend uncensored during lunch.

At the table was Aylee Taehyung and Jimin

"guy? Which guy?"Taehyung clueslessly questioned

"you know...the one who is in love with you. " Jimin said slowly.

"Why the heck in this world would he care!? " Aylee all of sudden got annoyed and half yelling questioned Jimin

"Well look at him! I saw him at the hallway before I came here I swear that wasn't a healthy student, that was a dead person." jimin argued back

"I wouldn't care.." Taehyung said uncensored.
"aren't you being a bit too much? " Jimin asked

"I didn't do anything bad I think?"

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