Chapter 10

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Jeon Eunji's P.O.V

"Park Joongki." Jungkook said.

"Park Joongki?" I asked. No way... It can't be him.

"Yes, do you know him?" He asked.

"No!" I said and went to my room. It must be a mistake. It has to be a mistake! He's me... He's my ex. 


*knock knock* Someone knocked on my door.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"It's me, Jungkook." Jungkook? He hasn't been in my room for months. Weird...

"So, it's about the sleepover. Jimin told me about it. We only have seven bedrooms, which means you and I have to share one. Is that okay?" He asked. Hell yeah! I've been wanting to sleep with him for ages! Maybe because I like him... But anyway, who wouldn't want to sleep with the Jungkook? Right?

"Okay," I said and smiled.

Jeon Jungkook's P.O.V

I went to my room. I brought my laptop from work to home, so that I can finish some work. But first, I'm going to write my diary.

30th of July

So, like I told yesterday, we know it's a boy now. Yay!!! I've hoped it was a boy for a while now. Since I know Peanut's gender now, I can start thinking of names. I thought of Taeyeong or Taeyeong. I like Taeyeong a bit more. But, I guess Eunji wants to decide on the name. Well, I can mention it someday, but not yet. Okay, big news: I GOT EUNJI TO SLEEP WITH ME FOR TONIGHT!!! YESSS!!! This is like a dream come true!  I need to enjoy this night because this might only be a one-time thing:(. Maybe I should do some workout before the night. I wonder if my abs are in good shape... I need to look handsome in bed. I hope she doesn't mind me sleeping shirtless;).

After writing my diary, I began to work again. I finished up, took my laptop downstairs and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

Jeon Eunji's P.O.V

I went to Jungkook's room and went to bed. And before I knew it, I fell asleep.

Jeon Jungkook's P.O.V

I got out of the bathroom, only to find Eunji already sleeping. Dammit! I didn't get to show her my abs. I went to bed too. I looked at Eunji's sleeping face. Her eyes, nose, and lips... Suddenly I felt the urge to kiss her. I slowly leaned forward and laid my lips on hers. Thankfully, she didn't wake up. I laid back down and smiled. I fell asleep after a while, still smiling...

Jeon Eunji's P.O.V

I woke up at 4:30 AM. I didn't get to sleep so much this night either. I got dressed and looked at the sleeping Jungkook. I can't believe I just slept with Jungkook! I hope I didn't do something embarrassing while sleeping. I went downstairs and opened the TV. I watched some cartoons and drank some water. I saw Jungkook's laptop on the desk during the commercial break. I really want to open it and see what he's been up to lately. I take it with me to the couch and open it. I see a lot of text when I first look at it. I started scrolling through it. It looked like a diary. I read the newest one. He wants Peanut to be Taeyeong? Actually, I kinda like that name. I scrolled two months of text and found a page written on May 28th. I started reading it because it was the longest so far. Maybe there is some important information.

28th of May

I came back from my honeymoon yesterday morning. I forgot to write yesterday so I'm doing it now. So, first of all, I'm glad that I married Eunji. She's a warm person and a great assistant. I didn't first like her but I realized now, that I'm in love with her. I would be screwed if she would find out about it, lol. I don't know why am I being so cold to her. Deep down inside, I really try to be nice. For example, last night I made her cook us dinner. I said it was disgusting, but in reality, it was delicious.

What... He lied? And he knows he's being cold to me? What?

It was really good. I wanted to say it was good but I ended up saying that it was disgusting, because I want her to be living like a princess in our home. After all, I did this to her. Because of me, she has to go through this.

He wants me to live like a princess? At least he knows it's his fault that we're in this situation.

Okay, to the next thing. My best friends visited me yesterday and they are really dumb. They seriously wrapped our wedding present in the same paper as the present I got from Seulgi. In the end, they didn't give us anything. AND, Seulgi came by last night. AND SHE FUCKING ALMOST KILLED EUNJI!!! See, this is why I broke up with her.

So it was Jungkook who broke up with her.

Even tho I cried about it then, it was the right decision. Okay, back to today. Today I called Eunji 'jagiya'. And she called me 'jagiya' too. When she called me that, my heart almost exploded.

Wait what?

Jeez, I'm so in love right now, xD.

What the hell?

But I told her that we should pretend to be a happily married couple at work and she agreed. I CAN BE WITH HER LIKE I WANT TO BE AT WORK!!! YAY!!! I hope she doesn't find this. BUT, if she does, here's a message to you:


I'm sorry for being so cold, please understand. And I love you <3.

He...He loves me????? Whaaaaatttt???? I never would've guessed... I realized tears started rolling down my cheeks. But I wasn't sad, I was happy. I heard footsteps behind me. I quickly turned around and saw Jungkook with a shocked expression on his face.

"Eun-" I didn't let him finish because I hugged him.

"I didn't know... Why didn't you tell me that you love me?" I asked while crying like a baby.

"I thought you would reject me. And I didn't know how you're feeling about me..." He started crying too.

"I love you, okay? I LOVE YOU JEON JUNGKOOK!!!" I yelled. He smiled and kissed me. I kissed him back. We eventually went back to bed and just looked at each other.

"Jungkook, I need to tell you something... " I said.

"What is it?"

"It's about your new assistant... Park Joongki..." I sounded a bit sad.

"What about him?"

"He's my ex," I confessed.

"HE IS YOUR WHAT???" Jungkook suddenly stood up.

"We used to work at the same company and somehow started dating. He's the guy I broke up with when we first met."

"He's so fired!" Jungkook sounded really angry.

"No, don't fire him because of me! He always wanted to be an assistant in Jeon Group. It was his dream."

"F-Fine... But I'm going to make him work hard. So hard that he quits." Jungkook said in a serious tone.

"Do what you want with him, but do not fire him on purpose. C'mon, let's get some breakfast." I said and pulled him out of the bed. I saw Hoseok and Taehyung in the kitchen already.

"Hi, guys!" I said.

"Our sister-in-law! Jungkook! Did you guys have fun last night?" Hoseok asked and smirked. Taehyung started to smirk too. Jungkook cleared his throat and ignored them. I laughed at his cuteness.

"Did you guys sleep well?" I asked.

"Yeah, I hope my girlfriend didn't destroy our home," Taehyung said. I laughed.

"Don't dare to laugh!" Taehyung said. That made me laugh even more.

"Jungkook, can I come to see how's everyone doing at work today? I've been dying to see them. It's really boring to be home every day. And btw, why don't you want me to work?" I asked.

"Because you're pregnant and you're my wife. You don't need to work, I have enough money. And you can come if you want today." He said while drinking coffee.

"Thank you! Saranghae!" Jungkook's face turned red when I said that. He's so cute. We left in Jungkook's car in an hour. I sneakily held Jungkook's hand on our way to the company. Jungkook blushed. HE IS TOO CUTE!!! We finally arrived at the company. The same two security guards as before were escorting us to the elevator. We finally arrived at Jungkook's office. And to my surprise, Joongki was already there.

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