Chapter 2

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Lee Eunji's P.O.V

I opened the door. It was the guy I slept with. Apparently, he recognized me too. He pointed his finger at me with mouth opened.

"It's you, Lee Eunji..." He said slowly and quietly, almost whispering.

"Ah, annyeonghaseyo. I'm your new assistant. How may I address you?" I tried to sound as polite as possible.

"Uhmm, you can call me Boss." He said and sat back down.

Jeon Jungkook's P.O.V

I can't believe I met her again. Why is she my assistant? Well, if Ms. Choi already hired her, I can't fire her now, can I? I smiled a little, a fake smile.

"Can you bring me some files. I need files from Ms. Choi. They are, listen carefully: D12, K2, I2, T11, B1, and A4." I said and looked at her in the eyes. She nodded as a response.

Lee Eunji's P.O.V

I nodded. I walked outside and tried to remember the files.

"D1..No, no it was D12 and K2 and I1, no, I3, no. Ah! I2! And three more. Umm, T11, yes,  B10, no, B1 and A14. Got it!" I said to myself.

"It was A4."  Someone said behind me. It was Boss.

"Ah, Boss. You startled me. Gamsahamnida. (Thank you)" I said and bowed. I quickly left for Ms. Choi's office.

"Ms. Lee? Did you come to take the files?" Ms. Choi asked when I got to her office.

"Ye. I need to take: D12, K2, I2, T11, B1, and A4." I said proudly, that I remembered them.

"Arasseo (Okay/I got it). Here." Ms. Choi handed me the files.

"And here's a tip for you: Bring always the right files. I was once his assistant and when I forgot to bring one, he was ready to kill me. Just so you know." She said and went back to work. Is Boss that kind of a person? I never would've guessed. I walked back to Boss' office.

"Here Boss," I said and put the files on his desk.

"Gomawo. (Thank you) Now, bring me an Americano." Boss said but he didn't take his eyes off of his computer.

"Ye(yes), Boss," I said and left. Where is the nearest coffee shop? I looked at the building map and found a coffee shop located on the lowest floor. I press the elevators button but it doesn't work.

"Take the stairs, it just broke down." The repairman said.

"Ah, ye.(yes)" I said and bowed. I walked all the 28 floors down and found the coffee shop. It took me awhile to get down.  I ordered the Americano and went back up. My feet started to ache halfway through.

"Here's your americano, Boss," I said and handed the Americano over to him.

"Just put it on the table." He said, still looking at the computer and opening the files that I brought.

"Ye(yes)," I said and put the americano down.

"My friends will be soon downstairs. Can you go and lead them to my office?" Boss asked.

"Yes, Boss," I said. Again, I needed to go down the 28 floors. I found six guys sitting in the lounge area, one of them was sleeping.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Jeon's friends?" I ask politely and smile a little.

"Yes. Are you his new assistant?" One with cotton candy pink hair asks.

"Yes. Please, follow me." I said. They all stood up and woke up the one who was asleep and followed me.

"Sorry, but our elevator broke, so we have to use the stairs," I said and bowed apologetically.

"It's okay. It's not your fault. We don't mind using stairs." One of them said and smiled. The smile looked like a box. They followed me to the 28th floor. I knocked on Boss's door.

"Boss, they are here," I said and opened the door.

"JEON JUNGKOOK!!!" One of them said. He had wide shoulders.

"What is it? I'm working. Be quick. You said you wanted to talk about something". I sat down on a chair near the door to not disturb him.

"It's about... Seulgi." One of them said. Mr. Jeon looked up when he heard the name Seulgi. Who is she?

"We know you don't want to talk about her, but she came over and begged us to talk to you. She wants to get back together with you." The one with the box smile said.

"I don't want her in my life anymore." Mr. Jeon said in a serious tone.

"But what if-"

"I SAID NO!" Mr. Jeon said and stood up.

"If that's all you had to say, then leave." He said and pointed the door.

"Ms. Lee. Lead them outside." He said and sat back down.

"Yes, Boss," I said.

"This way." I led them outside.

"Sorry, you had to come all the way here for nothing," I said and bowed.

"It's not your fault, why are you apologizing?" The one with cotton candy pink hair said.


"We haven't even introduced ourselves! I'll start, annyeonghaseyo(Hello), I'm Kim Namjoon." One of them said.

"Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Kim Seokjin."

"Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Min Yoongi."

"Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Jung Hoseok."

"Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Park Jimin."

"Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Kim Taehyung."

"Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Lee Eunji. Bangawoyo (Nice to meet you)." I said and bowed.

"Nice to meet you too Lee Eunji!" Hoseok said and smiled. I smiled back.

"See you!" Jimin said and waved.

"Yes!" I said and waved back. I went back inside. They seem nice. But who is this Seulgi?

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