Chapter 49

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Anna's POV.

I sit in my closet, going through boxes of kid clothes, shoes, and toys.

This move is hard.

It's not so much leaving my dad, as it is leaving my childhood home. I've never moved homes. I've lived here my entire life. It's crazy, leaving all the good memories behind.

My mom already found a home, and is setting up a showing for tomorrow.

My dad isn't taking the divorce well. Of course, who would?

I mean, he's a son of god. Of course he'll follow by the thought that divorce is a sin. But my mom knows she can't stay in the marriage, and keep her children in such an abusive home.

I didn't think my family would end up like this. I didn't think my dad would actually lay a hand on my mom. Even though he slapped me a couple times.

It's all just crazy.

I sort out clothes I don't want to keep. I put the ones that are special to me, in a box. I finish cleaning and packing up my closet. I sigh as I lean against the wall. I look around at my room.

I love this room.

This is my escape.

I guess I have a choice of visiting my dad. Which I probably won't very much. So as long as he keeps this house, I'll barely be able to spend time in my childhood home.

I stand up and walk out of my room. I walk downstairs to the kitchen, looking for my mom.

I walk to the stairs of the basement and walk downstairs. My mom sits on the couch, watching a lifetime movie. She shoves a spoonful of ice cream in her mouth, straight from the container. She's clearly depressed. She only does this when she's hurting.

Maddy walks up from her room. She gives me a nasty look while passing by. She walks upstairs. I follow her to the kitchen.

"Maddy, what's your issue?" I ask.

"You," She retorts. She opens the cabinet. I furrow my eyebrows.


She pivots on her left foot. She turns to me. "You're the reason mom and dad are divorcing, Anna. You've caused this family so much pain, and you're too damn stuck up to realize!"

My eyes widen. "Excuse me?" I shout.

Maddy shakes her head as she takes out a couple plates. "You can't just listen to dad! You can't just do something he asks, not once! You want everyone to feel bad for you. Because apparently you're depressed and you use drugs to feel better. That's stupid, Anna! You're killing yourself!" She yells.

My stomach churns. I feel my body tense up with anger. Her words run through my head. Maddy pours water into a pot, boiling it.

"You wouldn't know what depression is. You get treated like fucking royalty everyday of your life. Don't you dare say I want people to feel bad for me. I feel bad enough, but you ALWAYS succeed at making me feel like shit. Dad too. It's not my fault dads mentally abusive. It's not my fault mom is scared in her own home."

Maddy rolls her eyes. "She's scared because of you! Quit the game, Anna. Quit acting like the victim."

I shake my head, gripping my fists. I hold myself back from punching her. I take a deep breath, gritting my teeth together. You don't know a thing about addiction, depression, or anxiety. So go fuck yourself, Maddy," I spit.

Maddy turns to me. "You need help, Anna. You're psycho," She says.

My eyes widen. I feel anger running through my body. I let myself go.

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