Chapter Four

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It's been a month since you'd join the crew. Rayleigh had taken the best of care of you. Putting you out of harm's way and keeping you safe. He even made sure Shanks and Buggy kept their perverted noses out of your stuff. Even when you took a bath.

Rayleigh glanced around before kneeling down before the door. Glancing over his shoulder one last time he knelt over the keyhole. Shutting an eye and looking through. He smirked seeing you rub bubbles and soap down your legs and down your arms.

"Whatcha doing Rayleigh?"

He snapped over to Shanks. A dirty grin on his lips while Rayleigh pursed his.

"Go away." He said.

"Why you looking in the keyhole of the bathroom?" Shanks asked.

"Mind your own damn business."

"Can I see?"

"No. Go away."

Then turned back to the keyhole.

"Awe come on Rayleigh, sharing is caring."

"Well this is grown up stuff. So bug off."

"I am too a grown up!"

"Says you."

"Oh Shanks there you are!"

Rayleigh groaned sitting back from the door.

"Rayleigh? What are you doing here?" Buggy asked.

"He's peeping on (Y/N)." Shanks snickered.

"I am not. I'm. Protecting her." He huffed, "From perverted brats like the two of you."

"Awe but Rayleigh!"

"Don't but Rayleigh me, now get."

The two pouted before leaving. Rayleigh to glanced back into the keyhole. He saw you leaning against the rim of the tub. You wiggled your finger earning the elder's attention.

"Rayleigh, come in please."

He got caught.

Rayleigh entered the room shutting the door. You smiled up at him.

"Come and join me. The water is getting a tad cold. I was hoping you could help me warm it." You purred.

Rayleigh took no time changing out of his clothes before joining you in the tub. You straddled his hips before kissing him deeply. Rayleigh returned the kiss running a hand through your hair. While his free hand ran over your skin.

Shanks walked down the hall. When he heard you gasp. He stopped before the door and whistled softly. Shanks knelt down before the door before looking inside. He pulled back with a slight cringe.

"I don't know if I should be turned on or grossed out." Shanks grumbled.

"Stop disappearing on me! WE'RE supposed to be swabbing the deck. Not just me."

"Oh Buggy look at this."

Shanks pointed to the keyhole. Buggy furrowed kneeling down to the hole. He grinned.

"Awe sweet tits!"

Shanks shoved him away before looking inside. He groaned pulling away. Buggy snickered sitting on the floor.

"Like the view?"

"Your disgusting." Shanks growled.

Then kicked him.

He stormed away as the image of Rayleigh's ass will be embedded in his brain.

Rayleigh held you close on the deck. A sword between the both of your hands. He glanced to you resting on your shoulder. Slowly moving the sword and whispering technics in your ear. You giggled as he kissed your cheek.

Roger watched the two of you resting on his palm. He smiled softly before he chuckled as you dropped the sword. Rayleigh had you pick it up again as his hands wrapped around yours. Roger smiled softly knowing Rayleigh had found his happiness.

As about a month or two went by again. You grumbled getting up. Heading to the bathroom. Rayleigh fluttered open his eyes seeing you slug back into the room. Wiping the corner of your mouth with the back of your hand.

"Is everything alright love?" He asked.

"Yes, I'm just a little ill. I will be okay."

You crawled back into bed as Rayleigh held you close. He kissed your temple.

"How does a little breakfast sound? Hm? Maybe some soup to help your stomach?"

"Yeah that sounds good."

Rayleigh smiled getting up and heading out of the room. While you grumbled getting out of bed once more.

As Rayleigh came back into the room with a tray of food he saw you were gone. He set the tray on the dresser before going to the bathroom. Your cheek rested on the rim of the bowl.

"I don't even feel sick." You grumbled.

"You want to go see the doctor? I bet he could-"

"No no, I'm fine."


"I have no say in this do I?"


Rayleigh sat in a chair outside the room. Bouncing his knee while his eyes glared into the wood of the door. Shanks came and sat next to him.

"What's with the sour look Rayleigh?" Shanks asked.

"(Y/N) is sick. She's in with the doctor now."

Shanks hummed nodding softly, "I see."

It was quiet as Rayleigh turned to Shanks. Placing a hand on his forehead. Then grumbled taking his hand away.

"I didn't get her sick." Shanks snickered.

"Then the red nosed one did." Rayleigh said.

"I don't think buggy had anything to do-"

The door opened as the doctor walked out. Rayleigh stood as you clung to the doorframe. You looked up to Rayleigh. He approached you clutching your shoulders. His eyes flicking to each of yours. Trying to find answers.

"Well?" He asked.

"I'm not sick." You muttered, "I'm pregnant."

Shanks snorted a laugh. Covering his mouth with his hands while his cheeks were puffed. Rayleigh's eyes widened, he sunk to his knees. Kneeling before your stomach. He embraced you. You gave a small gasp of surprise as he nuzzled into your stomach. He mumbled something.

"What?" You asked.

He looked up to you, "Marry me."

Memories {Rayleigh x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now