Chapter Six

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A/N: Early update. I gotta know who I should write about next. Roger or Garp? (Both young at the start)

"Rayleigh?!" You cried.

You clutched onto his body, looking up to the crew. The doctors took him to the infirmary room. You sat on the deck with tears in your eyes. You looked to the blood smeared across the deck and on your hands. You became light headed. Grew pale. Shanks noticed this and skid up to you. Taking your hands and kneeling before you.

"It's okay. Rayleigh is gonna be fine. Don't you worry. Everything will be fine." Shanks reassured.


You embraced him and cried softly. He clutched onto you as the Marine's were slowly taken down. A shadow had you perk up to Roger. He knelt down to you and Shanks before holding out his hand. You slowly took it as he helped you up.

"Come my dear."

You nodded as he lead you down into the ship. He lead you into the infirmary. Where a few members of the crew resided. You clutched his hand seeing Rayleigh. A white bandages wrapped around his chest. Pooling his crimson blood slowly pooled through. You let go of his hand before approaching the cot.

"Rayleigh?" You whispered.

You knelt down to his level pressing his hand to your cheek. Leaving butterfly kisses to his palm. Tears streamed down your cheeks looking at him. You rested your head on his chest. Feeling his shallow breathing and slow heartbeat.

"Rayleigh, I love you too."

You stayed there for days. Three to be exact. Three days went by as Rayleigh was asleep. Still. And unchanging. You lied on his chest hearing the soothing sound of his heartbeat. Your hand never left his nor did you leave his side. Shanks or Buggy would check on you. Or bring you something to eat. They pleaded or asked for you to come out. But like always you replied.

"Not until Rayleigh wakes up."

Then would leave you alone.

You sat on the floor clutching his hand. Your hands ran through his hair as you kissed his fingers. The nightmare of Rayleigh sacrificing himself for you haunted you. It ate you up inside, leaving you restless, exhausted, and weak. You sighed opening your eyes to him. Clicking your tongue you noticed the whiskers Rayleigh was getting.

"When will you wake. So I can take care of you?" You asked.

But he didn't answer.


You turned to Roger, "Captain."

"Let's go eat." He said.

"I will in a minute."

"(Y/N) He will wake when he does. And once he does I'll make sure you are the first face he see's. Now come, Rayleigh would kill me if I let you starve with his child."

You placed a hand to your stomach, "Your right."

He grinned, "Now come. Captains orders!"

You got up and approached him. Taking his arm he lead you to the kitchen. Everyone welcomed you with warmth and welcome backs. You laughed as they distracted you from Rayleigh. Asking about the baby and seeing if they picked a name for them yet.

"No not yet. I'm hoping to get a girl. But either way. I will be happy with either." You said.

The door slammed open earning everyone's attention. Rayleigh stood soaked in sweat, his breath was ragged as his eyes scanned the room for you. Once they locked onto you he approached you before clutching onto you. You blinked as he buried his face into your neck.

"Rayleigh whats wrong? You're covered in cold sweat. Did something happen?" You asked.

He pulled back and kissed you roughly. The crew wooted and wolf whistled. You kissed back as he pulled back cupping your face.

"I will never, forget you." He said.

You smiled, "Nor will I. But Rayleigh what happened?"

"I. I just had a nightmare. It seemed very real. I just wanted to let you know." He said.

"Rayleigh get back in the infirmary before you pull out your stitches!"

He chuckled softly as you embraced him once more.

"I'm glad you're okay." You sighed.

"Me too." He chuckled.

"Oh Rayleigh, what do you think our child will be? A boy or a girl?"

His smile faded as he looked to your stomach, "A boy."

"Are you sure your okay?" You asked.

He looked back up to you with a soft smile, "Peachy."

Memories {Rayleigh x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now