Chapter twelve: A Royal Wedding

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Alya's P.O.V.
Sitting on the bed in Mari's room, I watched as she got dressed into her wedding gown. She looked beautiful. It was a plain white gown with lace sleeves, crystals on the neckline, and it was so full that she looked like an actual princess. "Do I look alright?" Mari looked at me, turning slowly to face me.

"You look beautiful, but one thing." I stood up, bringing a crystal flower out from behind my back, placing it in her hair bun. "It looks beautiful, thank you so much, Alya." She hugged me, tears in her eyes. "Don't cry, Mari. You're going to mess up your makeup." I chuckled. "Sorry, I just never thought that this would really be happening." Mari sat down on her bed.

"I know, girl. Imagine how Adrien feels. He's getting married in China and his father can't tell him no. He's probably freaking out." I smiled at her. "You're right." She stood again, walking over to her mirror to fix the flower. "You aren't going to wear any of your tiaras?" I was a bit confused.

"No, because Adeline will place one on me once the ceremony is over. It will go from wedding to coronation immediately." She looked at me. "That makes more sense." I smiled. "What sucks is that I can't see Adrien before the wedding." She slid her shoes on. "Can you walk in those?" I teased, glancing at her four inch heels. "Yeah." She smiled.

"So, what all am I supposed to do for this?" I glanced down at my pink traditional Chinese dress. "Well, you're the bride of honor, so you just need to stand beside me." She sat down again. "Alright. I can't believe my best friend is getting married." Emotion was trying to get the best of me, but I wouldn't let it. Hearing bells start, I looked at Mari. "It's time. Let's go, Alya." Mari looked a little scared.

Marinette's P.O.V.
I slowly walked down the main staircase to my own wedding, scared of what was to come. Chloe was still here, and the whole class was invited. Alya was behind me, holding my veil to keep it off the floor. The music started as everyone turned around to see me enter the hall. Well, I can't turn back now. My stomach turned and the butterflies were killing me.

Walking slowly, I caught a glance at Chloe's face. Pure annoyance and shock. Nino was up with Adrien as he was the Best Man. Glancing at Adrien, my heart stopped. He looked so handsome in a tuxedo. Oh man. Here goes nothing. I finally arrived at the top where Adrien was. Alya let go of my veil and stood next to me, a bit offset due to the stairs.

"Welcome everyone to this special event." Marlin spoke first. "We are all very grateful that everyone was able to be here. At this time, we begin the ceremony to join these two individuals in matrimony." Adeline smiled at Adrien and I. "Do you, Adrien Agreste, take my daughter, Marinette Dupain-Cheng to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Marlin looked at Adrien. "I do." Adrien smiled at me.

"Do you, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, take Adrien Agreste to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Adeline looked at me. Glancing at Adrien I began to get nervous. "I do." I smiled back at Adrien. "The rings please." Marlin looked at the ring barror. "He walked up and gave each of us the others ring and smiled. "The vows?" Adeline asked.

As Adrien slid the ring on my ring finger, he spoke. "Marinette, I promise to love you forever and always be by your side. I will always hold you in loving arms and take care of you to the best of my abilities. Marinette, I love you more than everything. You make me feel so happy and alive when you're around." Adrien spoke from the heart.

As I put the ring on his ring finger, it was my turn to speak. "Adrien, I promise to love you forever. I will stay by your side through good times and bad. I will always try and do my best to help you and be there for you. I love you with all of my being and you make me the happiest I've ever been." I smiled, trying not to cry as I meant every word.

"I gladly pronounce you, husband and wife." Marlin cheered. "You may kiss your love." Adeline smiled. Adrien and I exchanged a short but loving kiss before the tiara was brought out for the coronation. "I love you." Adrien whispered softly. "I love you too." I whispered back. "Now, as we move forward in our ceremony, we would like to introduce to you, Princess Marinette Dupain-Cheng." Adeline set a hand on my shoulder.

"What?! She's the princess?!" Chloe stood up. "Yes, and we are both very happy that she is back home and of age to take her place as princess once again." Marlin smiled. "Marinette, are you ready?" Adeline looked at me. "Yes, Mother." I glanced at her. Sitting down on a throne, Marlin brought the tiara over. "Marinette, do you promise to love, respect, cherish, and help your people?" Marlin hovered the tiara above my head.

"I do." I looked out at the crowd. "Do you promise to rule over them once you assume the throne when you come of age with loyalty, love, and justice?" Adeline stood on the other side if me. "I do." I kept calm as I knew this would one day happen. "We are proud to present to you our daughter, Princess Marinette Dupain-Cheng of China." Adeline and Marlin spoke at the same time as the tiara was placed upon my head as I rose. Everyone cheered and clapped in delight. Now to tell Mama and Papa when I get home.

Hey guys. Wow, I could feel the amount of panic that Marinette would've felt. Geeze. Well, I hope you all enjoy this. Have a wonderful day. Love y'all.

Word Count: 1,013

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