four - scott / river

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Everyone here has seen the mall deleted sense, right? XD

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Everyone here has seen the mall deleted sense, right? XD


The next day, they (as in River, Jubilee, Scott, and Kurt) were lounging around one of the many parlours upstairs in the house when Scott stood up. River and Jean looked up from their chess game, Jubilee looked up from fixing the pins on her jacket, and Kurt looked up from his new book.

"What now, Summers?" River said with a smile.

"We should go out," he announced. Jean raised an eyebrow. "Prison break." The mansion was nice, but after about one day of school, Scott had gotten very bored. It was practically a boarding school, and he wanted out. He usually went to the mall or some place after school, and without that freedom, he was slowly suffocating with boredom.

"As if. And this place isn't a prison. Plus you know we're not allowed to leave without anyone's consent, right?" she said. River nodded.

"The professor and Hank aren't here though!" Scott protested. "We could take a car, I know how to drive, and go to a mall 'round here!" Jubilee perked up.

"The mall?" she grinned at River. River sighed.

"I mean..." River trailed off. "That does sound..."

"Fun?" suggested Scott.

"No, against the rules," Jean cut in. "If the professor found out, we could all get in big trouble." Kurt watched the debate with great curiosity.

"What is a...mall?" he asked. Jubilee gasped theatrically.

"Ok, now we have to go! I'll be so stoked if we went to the mall! C'mon, Riv!" she pleaded. River looked at Jean, and Jean sighed.

"It is officially a matter of national duty because of him," Scott added, nodding to Kurt. C'mon...agree with me! he thought. I'm slowly dying in this mansion!

"Well, what do you think, Kurt?" Jean asked the blue mutant. He nodded.

"I would like to go to the mall," he said, the new word heavy on his tongue. Scott put his hands up in exasperation.

"Well, we're going! Where does the professor keep the cars?" He started to walk towards the stairs. Kurt followed him, closing his book with his tail. Jubilee stood up and grabbed River, dragging her along.

"Jubi!" River laughed. "Jean! C'mon!" she called. Jean sighed and used her telekinesis to pack up the chess. There wa no way of talking them out of this.

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