seven - scott

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Time to save the professor whoop whoop

Time to save the professor whoop whoop

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Scott sat next to River on the plane, very very nervous. He fidgeted in his seat slightly. The tight seat belts restricted him from moving much. River noticed from across the aisle and waved at him to get his attention.

"We'll be ok," she mouthed with a playful smile. He nodded, still anxious. She put her hand down, and he saw her fingers tapping on her leg rapidly. She's nervous too. He took in a breath and looked at the other mutants plus Moira.

Hank and Moira were in the front flying the plane together. Hank was still in his blue form, fur sticking out of his sleeves. He had stuck his glasses into a drawer, along with all their other clothes. The rest of them (Jean, Kurt, Mystique, River, Peter, and himself) were strapped down in the back. All the teenagers looked anxious in their new suits, but Peter was chewing gum and blowing bubbles. He didn't look that scared, which Scott found interesting. Mystique had transformed into her human form. She sat next to Jean, who sat next Scott. On the other side of the plane, Scott sat across from River, Jean across from Peter, and Mystique across from Kurt.

There was a deathly silence; everyone was thinking about the outcomes of the mission. There were too many thoughts rolling around in Scott's head for him to relax. He closed his eyes and leaned back as much as he could, wishing he could hold River's hand.

"So you think she's cute, eh?" Alex said in his head.

"No," Scott said back. He could see Alex roll his eyes with a laugh and could feel the blonde pat his back.

"Sure, Scott, sure." Scott smiled slightly. Alex... Scott took a deep breath to try not to start tearing up again. He wondered what River was thinking about. He had wanted to sit next to her, but Hank said that four by two messed with his brain, and it made more sense for three by three. River had volunteered to sit next to Peter.

"Were you scared?" Jean asked, breaking the silence. She looked at Mystique. "That day in DC - were you scared?" Scott could see Mystique think.

"No." All of the teens' faces fell slightly. Mystique sighed. She spoke again, "But I was scared on my first mission." She looked at the teens around her, and Scott could see the nostalgia in her eyes. "We were about your age. Called ourselves the X- Men." She turned at Scott. "Your brother was there too. We used to call him Havok." She laughed, and tears threatened to appear in Scott's eyes. He saw River smile despite the silent atmosphere. "He was a handful, but when it came down to it, he was very brave." Scott held back his crying, but he felt a swell of pride in his chest for Alex.

"What happened to the rest of the kids that went with you?" asked Kurt. "The X-Men?" Hurt flashed before Mystique's eyes, gone before it had appeared.

"Hank and I are the only ones left. I-I couldn't save the rest of them. I told you - I'm not a hero," she said softly.

"Not true," River countered. "You are one to us." Mystique smiled slightly. Jean nodded.

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