ten - scott

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dedicated to the wonderful, savage, amazing, and all around lovely spiderlad who inspired me to keep up with this book <3

(PS : I use the word dexter in the next chapter hmm I wonder where that's from)


have an extra long chapter yay!!



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Scott ran across the room in a panic. He wished he had tried harder in PE back at high school.

"Scott, you gotta stop running! Haven't you ever heard of a thing called 'helping'?!" River yelled at him. He rolled his eyes and ducked as Ororo struck the walls with lightning.

"I'm busy, Riv!" he yelled back. He looked behind to see that a Sentinel was still running after him. Ugh.

"Ooo couple fight!" Jubilee teased then yelped as a Sentinel almost picked her up. She sent up sparks into the air, which exploded in its face. "Hey, my fireworks are working correctly! Finally!"

"They claim they aren't a couple, Jubilee!" Jean shouted. She swung her hand, and the Sentinel that was chasing Scott flew to the side. "You're welcome!" She rolled under the foot of another Sentinel that was about to stomp on her.

"You two can't fight again! We talked about this!" Peter said in Scott's ear as he sped past with a grin.

"Remember what Mystique said about team fighting?" Kurt said quickly. He then bamfed away.

"Easy for you guys to say; you can actually run away from these things," Scott muttered. He stopped, panting, and looked behind him. The Sentinel was back on its feet and was walking towards him. Come at me. Scott pushed a button on his visor, something he was still getting used to, and a controlled blast of red cut into its metal body. The Sentinel fell over with a crash.

"Good job, Scott! Kurt, work on going closer to them! River, what are you doing?! Keep going everyone!" Mystique said over the PA. She was in another room, one with cameras and a loudspeaker system. Hank and her switched off, and it was her day inside the PA room. Scott ran off to help River and saw Hank climb onto one of the Sentinels, growling.

"Scott! Your girlfriend's in trouble!" Ororo shouted.

"We are not dating guys, geez!" River yelled.

"Yeah right," Jean said over the noise of Jubilee's explosions. "Nice, Lee!" Jubilee grinned and then ran off. Scott sprinted over to River. She was stuck, back against the wall. The Sentinel right next to to her, trying to hit her. She ducked and yelled out for help as its fist came close to her, missing.

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