Ch. 7

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A/N: The Price Of Love is on hold till further notice! Sorry it's been so long. Enjoy and excuse errors!

The next morning..

Nicki laid in bed thinking about everything that Nazari brought to her attention yesterday. Nicki couldn't believe that Nas would really mess up after just a few hours. Who was the girl and was it the young bitch who took his focus from his family, is the question. Nicki shook her head as angry tears fell. She couldn't believe she was about to put her trust into him again. She was happy that she didn't do it fully.

She would be lying if she said that she didn't want them to become a family again.. well, a complete one. It was all stressful. She prayed to God everyday in hopes that things could go back to how they were. Everything used to be so carefree and stress free. Ever since he met the spotlight, everything turned sour.

Nicki sighed out and shook her head. The clock read: 7:15. Nazari had to be in school in a little over an hour and it takes around 20 minutes to get her out of bed alone. She definitely got that from her father.

Throwing the covers back, Nicki stood to her feet and lazily fixed it back. She was up all night thinking so she barely got any sleep. She opened her door and walked across the hall to wher Nazari slept and walked in.

"Nazari, baby. Wake up." She shook Nazari's petite little body until she stirred.

She looked down and pouted when she heard little whines coming from her. "Nazari, we're not doing this today, okay? You had fun all weekend, it's time for school." Nicki pulled back her covers and grabbed her, sitting her up on the side of the bed. Nazari's eyes remained closed and her body slumped forward.

"Nazari!" Nicki spoke louder, "Open your eyes." Nicki said sternly. Nazari opened them and whined some more.

"But mommy I-" 

"No, come on. You're going to be late." Nicki said, cutting her off. "Do we have to call daddy? Will that make you get up and get ready?" Nicki asked her. Nazari didn't respond.

Nicki breathed out and went to quickly retrieve her phone. Quickly facetiming Nas, she prayed he would answer. She did realize the time difference and noted mentally that he might be asleep still.

When is voice rang from the phone, Nicki looked into the screen.

"Goodmorning.. is something wrong?" He asked, his voice even deeper and more raspy than normal. His morning voice is everything.

"Yes, I need you to talk to Nazari for me. She won't listen."

"Hm?...what? You good? What's going on?" Nas sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"I'm stressed to the max but this isn't about me. Just please talk to your daughter." Nicki handed the phone to Nazari and watched her place the phone to her ear. They talked for a few minutes before she handed the phone back and got up, heading to the bathroom. 

"Thank you." Nicki quickly said and sighed. She rubbed her eyes too and blinked a few times.

"You look exhausted, Nicki." Nas spoke as he looked at her on the phone screen.

"I am... but I can't stop living." 

"True, but you do need a break."

"I have a kid to take care of Nas.. there's no such thing as a break."

"You know I take care of you two, too. Stop that."..."If you would stop refusing my help, things could be a lot better." 

"I don't want your money. It's bad enough that I feel like I'm intruding in your relationships. We don't want that, do we?" Nicki asked sarcastically.

"Intruding in what relationship? I'm single, Nicki. I've been trying to get my family back, Onika."

Nicki laughed coldly. "So is that why you had some girl around my daughter? It was the bitch you're fucking isn't it? Damn, you couldn't even last a day." She shook her head.

Nas sighed and shook his head. "It wasn't like that.."

"Oh it wasn't? We'll then how come you didn't tell me? Hm? You know what? Fuck you. Have a nice life without me."

Nicki hung up on him and looked down at Nazari who had come out of the bathroom. "Come on, let's get you dressed."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2017 ⏰

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