Chap 7

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Luckily for us the stairway led right into the prison area. Unluckily for us was the fact of it was a dead end. We approached the prisoners and I asked for the highest ranking person there. A man in the last cell attracted my attention.

I walked over to him, “Who are you?”

“Captain Charles Smith, United States Navy.”

“What ship were you the captain of before you were incarcerated, Captain Smith?” I asked.

“I regret to say it’s the one you’re standing in son,” was his reply.

“So, if my friends and I release you will you help us take the ship?”

“Darn right we will! We’ve all been cooped up in these cells since the invasion. It’s time to deal some payback!” was his enthusiastic reply.

Joe hunted around and found a set of keys and proceeded to unlock the cell doors. Mackenzie and I passed around our extra guns and ammunition. Out of about two hundred and fifty crew members we armed less than fifteen. This didn’t seem to bother Captain Smith though. Instead he took the M16 that I handed him and whipped his crew into quite the war frenzy. Then we all rushed for the exit stairway.

The enemy crew was just getting through the locked door when we fell upon them. I think they were expecting only three scared teenagers behind that door instead of an entire militia of angry personnel some of which had just been handed some very dangerous toys.

As soon as we sighted the enemy we opened fire. There wasn’t much room room for them to go. Some managed to get away from the hailstorm of lead. The crew of the Lassen rushed forward and scrounged for weapons. Soon there were enough weapons to provide us with a formidable fighting force. Weapons in hand we all rushed for the main deck.

Blood Shattered Skies Book Two: Rough SeasWhere stories live. Discover now