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before I start I'm gonna be putting the word 'girl' in different languages for the chapter names because there's no other words and I've ran out of ideas ok ok

This one is Spanish !!

☁︎ ☁︎ ☁︎

Josh's POV

I wake up to my alarm going off, playing the same annoying beeping sound over and over again. I shut it off, groaning to myself as I realize it's Monday.


I roll out of bed and replace my sweatpants with regular black jeans, picking up a blue hoodie and sliding it on as well. I run a hand through my curls, quickly getting ready for school.

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I walk over to the small sun kissed boy, who's shoving his backpack into his locker.

"You got that, Ty?" I ask with a small chuckle, he whips his head around, the bruise that once was purple-blue was now a yellow-green color along his cheek.

Tyler nods, eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he pushes his bag in fully, letting out a sigh of relief.
"Holy crap. That took too long." The chestnut haired one laughed, closing his locker before picking his books up from the floor.

I smile at him, pulling him into a quick hug. "So, uh, how are you?" I ask, leading us to class.

"I'm good, mama has just been ignoring me lately. But if rather have her be like that than have her in my business." Tyler shrugs.

I frown, nodding along, "You're so strong, Ty." I give him a reassuring smile.

He smiles back, "Thank you."

☁︎ ☁︎ ☁︎


I groan heavily, walking into the big gymnasium that held a bunch of sweaty teens who- dear lord- need to put on deodorant.

I get into the locker room, switching out my regular clothes for my gym ones.

"Hey, Josh." I hear one of my teammates call out, I turn my head to see Dallon.

"Hey, Dallon." I reply, shoving my clothes into my bag and setting it down. He sits down next to me on the bench.

Don't get me wrong, Dallon is one of my teammates and he's actually really good at football. But he can be the hugest dick head. He's more like an acquaintance.

"I need to talk to you." He says, crossing his arms. I raise an eyebrow, "Well, go ahead. I'm here and listening." I say.

"You know that Taylor kid?" I nod.
"Stay away from her, she's totally a dyke. She's trying to turn into one of those trannies." He spits out.

I frown, looking down at my lap. "Why? And don't say stuff like that, that's really rude." I say, looking back to him.

"It's not rude, it's just honesty. That girl is disgusting. I heard that even her mom hates her." He laughs.

I feel myself start to fume, biting my lip.

Next thing I know, Dallon is on the floor with a broken nose, and I have bruised knuckles.

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Eh this chapter wasn't the best, sorry for it being so rushed

Also, I've been reading the book
Pulse by TwentySmolBeans and it inspired me to update because the storyline is just perfect and I'm all 4 Trans! Tyler

But yeah. Thank you guys for the views, votes, and comments! I love ya

xx Len

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2018 ⏰

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