-blow out all the candles

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'So, what are we doing again?' Lydia asks as she follows Stiles around.

Scott and Isaac are sat on the sofa, arguing over what film they are going to watch; Isaac wants to watch Spiderman, Scott wants to watch Bride Wars (ever since Lydia and Allison made him watch it he's been obsessed).

Stiles is standing in front of Lydia, who is peering over his shoulder, and has a box of matches in his hand, one match in the other. He runs the top of the matchstick along the side of the box, lighting a flame.

'It's Earth hour.' Stiles replies, crouching to light a red, cherry scented candle on the desk in front of him.

'I've never heard of it. Why haven't I heard of it?' Lydia frowns a little, as

Stiles quickly shakes the match to put the fire out. Her eyes follow the fire, the flames leaping orange and yellow before disappearing into smoke.

'Because it's not very well known.' The corner of his mouth turns up, because he knows something Lydia doesn't and it amuses him.

'So we just light candles?' Lydia asks, interested to learn something new.

'Yeah, and turn off all lights for an hour.' Stiles says, handing Lydia a match. 'Wanna light one?'

'Ok.' Lydia takes the match, her fingers brushing Stiles', and lights a little white candle, smiling as the flame leaps up.

'Guys, we're watching Bride Wars!' Scott yells, walking past Stiles and Lydia with a bag of popcorn, tugging on Lydia's arm.

Lydia and Stiles make a face at each other, then grin and follow Scott to the living room. They all pile onto the one sofa, and Isaac grumpily presses play.

He turns out loving the movie, however. And the four are all laughing and quoting the movie by the end, throwing popcorn at each other and cracking jokes.

When it hits 11, Isaac leaves, then Scott about half an hour later. Lydia stays, loving the flickering candles; even if it has already been an hour, they haven't bothered putting the lights back on.

'So, they switched the lights off everywhere?' Lydia asks for possibly the third time. It's not that she's forgotten, it just seems amazing that so many people have taken part.

'Well, obviously not all at the same time. Half eight for everyone in their own timezones. The pictures are amazing though.' Stiles rambles, not looking once at the tv, his eyes fixed on Lydia.

The flickering candles are making her hair brighter, redder, more like a flame, and her wide eyes reflect the soft movement of the fire. Huddled half under a blanket, she looks warm and peaceful.

Lydia's been watching Stiles too, more when he's not been looking. The light from the candles has lent him a soft glow, his eyes lit up, skin highlighted with gentle shades of orange.

'Can I see the photos?' She asks, leaning to the right; she's been stuck to the left end of the sofa, Stiles the right, and the gap on the seat seems miles apart.

'Yeah, um-' Stiles looks at the space between them, and without a second thought, Lydia boldly shuffles to sit right next to him.

She hears his quiet intake of breath, and how he tenses when Lydia's knees rest on the side of his leg, her shoulder leaning against his warm chest.

Stiles types Earth hour into google, and they load the official video. It shows clips of all big landmarks turning off their lights, and satellite footage of the lights turning off one by one. It looks incredible.

When the short video is finished, Lydia turns to look at Stiles. He becomes flustered immediately, because her face is inches from him, illuminated by candlelight.


With the rush of confidence Lydia oftens associates with a younger version of herself, she leans the short space and presses her lips to Stiles'.

He lets out a little gasp, but then closes his eyes, cupping her face with his hand. Like the other times they've kissed, they've drawn together like magnets, instinctively leaning towards each other like people who are so comfortable together do. Unlike the other times they've kissed, it isn't to stop a panic attack, or lasted a few seconds.

When they pull back, the tv is still going, the candles still flickering away, but everything seems brighter.

'I, uh.' This time Lydia is the speechless one, which is uncommon for her.

'I know.' Stiles says, squeezing her hand above the blankets, the corners of his mouth turning up.

Lydia smiles back, liking the feeling of Stiles' warm hand on hers. She likes Earth hour.


so this is just something i wrote in like an hour, bc i wanted to update it for 100 reads, and in honour of earth hour today:) comments+votes would make my day, btw

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