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you should listen to the devil within by digital daggers while reading, it just makes it better

'Stiles?' Lydia yells, running. She's not sure if he can hear her, or if it's even him, but she wants to find him. It's been killing her not even seeing his face, even knowing it may not be him, but that thing.

'STILES!' She shouts again, and as she runs she steps in a puddle, and she can feel the water in her boots.

It's so close to being the morning in the middle of the alleyway. Scott and Derek split up about half a block back, and Allison wasn't answering her phone no matter how many times Lydia called her. It was off.

Her feet are now wet, and she's cold, and to say she's scared is an understatement.

'Lydia? Lydia!'

It's Stiles, Stiles, oh thank god for Stiles Stilinski. He runs over to her, fear on his face and shaking. The past few weeks have taken a toll on him; he's skinnier, paler, the circles under his eyes so prominent they look like purple paint on paper.

He holds her forearms reassuringly, and Lydia hugs him.

'Oh my god, oh my god. Stiles, you're-' Lydia rambles, her arms around his waist, wanting to feel his body warmth.

Apart from the fact there is none. She just feels cold.

'Oh, Lydia.'

There's a harsh chuckle, a cold voice. The hands that were once warm and soft grip her arms so tight she can feel the blood circulation being cut off.

He pushes her back, and grins. There's a twisted, evil look on his face, and it's weird, because his eyes are completely flat and blank. Stiles has never once looked like that. Then again, this isn't Stiles.

Lydia has never been more terrified in her life. She can hear her heart in her ears, pounding loud and furiously, and all she can see is the deathly pale look of Stiles' skin- not Stiles. Not Stiles at all.

'Stiles, I know you're still there, please, don't.' Lydia pleads, pressing her lips together afterwards and squeezing her eyes closed. The presence of this thing made her so scared it was unreal.

'I know he cares about you, Lydia. The difference is, I have absolutely no intention of caring. After all, I'm going to kill every single one of the people you call friends, and then you, Lydia.' He says, laughing and tilting his head to the side, eyes dark.

The fear in Lydia is bubbling up now, and she does the one thing she can do; scream.

Immediately, she sees Stiles squint as he tries not to wince, and Lydia can hear the sound of Scott running to her. She needs to distract Stiles somehow though, otherwise she knows she might die.

'Stiles wouldn't hurt me. You know that, I know that.' Lydia says, keeping her voice from trembling. It's difficult.

'I know, I know. But I'm not Stiles, am I now?' He grins, Stiles grins, but it's not him, it's not.

And then Scott appears, and the suns rays are appearing too, making the once visible Oni go. It's just Scott, Stiles, and Lydia, and the running footsteps of Derek and Peter.

'Stiles, don't do this.' Scott reasons, and Stiles grins, shrugging.

'Oh, I'm not doing anything. You wait, you'll see, Scott.' He spits the name, and steps back into the shadows, running.

By the time Scott has blinked and looked at the space, he is gone.


i know this sucks, but i wanted to update. i can't believe i have 1.5k reads, tysm guys. can we try for more comments on this chapter? feedback or requests idm<3

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