Chapter 2

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            Soon we were off the long flight from Bangor, Maine. I was not really looking forward to having to give up my life and my friends. I was so sad that I was forced to leave. We got into a taxi and went out of the city. Figures that he would not want me near people till he knew that I would not do anything. We soon pulled up to a lovely large house that was two hours from the city. “Welcome home princess. I hope that you will soon learn that there is no way that you are going to get away. I had a friend come out here a couple years ago when he didn’t want his daughter to fall in love with a guy till she was out of college. So there are no windows or anything that you can get out of, and your room is on the second floor” he told me. I just sat there in the taxi as he was getting our stuff out of the car.  I was never going to see my family again. “Jessica get out of the car” he said to me. I didn’t move. “JESSICA GET YOUR FAT ASS OUT OF THE CAR” He yelled. I ran to the house. I knew that if I tried to run he would only catch me. He looked at me as he opened the door. “Welcome home Princess” He said to me as I walked inside. The house was nice and cozy which was good I guess. I wanted to go and see the rest of the house and had started to walk to the hall when he grabbed my arm and dragged me upstairs. He pulled me to a door that was marked with my name on it. “This is where you are staying, and since you are out of school there is no need for you to come out. I will be bringing you your food.” He said as he was unlocking the door. I looked at him like he was crazy. I refused to say a word I would not give into him. I was shoved into the room and the door slammed and locked behind me.

            Three months that is how long I have been in England. He brought me food three times a day always a salad besides breakfast when I had toast. Today was the day that I got to see the rest of the house and the time that he finally has to let me out. I had to go to college soon because he can’t keep the lie if he wont let me go to the school and study. He walked into the room to give me my lunch. Another salad, I had dropped a lot of weight since I got here and I was starting to feel sick. It was time for me to tell him that I had to go to college. “You do know that my mom is going to be looking for a letter from the school or something saying that I got in and that I will be attending the fall semesters classes” I told him. He looked at me with a confused look on his face. He forgot what he told my mother. She is probably freaking out that I haven’t talked to her in three months. “You told her that I was going to look at a college. I have to let her know that I am ok and that I got into the school” I told him. He then realized what I was talking about. “That is true I guess I have to let you go out soon and go to that school or kill your family” he said. I looked at him with so much anger that if looks could kill he would have been dead right there. “I believe that you have learned that you are mine and that I have all the power right here” I nodded my head. He agreed that I would be going to the school tomorrow. He would be taking me and if I got in then he would be bringing me to school and picking me up. He didn’t want me to try and tell someone that I had been kidnaped. The next day we were at the school and they were saying that I was the last person that they thought would consider their school. They gladly accepted me into the Music program. I was in the school no problem. I was so excited to be able to go and study music and maybe even get a contract.

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