Chapter 9

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Harry’s Point of View:

I listened as Jessica ran down the hall. I knew she wouldn’t call the cops. She was happy here with me but she also didn’t want to go to an empty house back in america. “I want you to leave before she calls the cops because I know that you will be sent home but she will as well and I know that she does not want that” I whispered. I didn’t need to have Jessica hear me. Before he had a chance to reply Zayn jumped him and hit him full force. He was pissed. I looked at him. “Harry go get Jessica and get out once you are outside the guys and I will take care of him and meet you in the car” Zayn said. I nodded and turned down the hall. I banged on the door. “Jessica it is me Harry” I said hoping that she would open up. She opened the door a little and look out. Once she saw it was me she opened it even more. I pulled her into a hug. I missed the smell of her hair. She was the world to me and I didn’t want to let her go. I heard Zayn yell for me to hurry up. “Jessica we gotta go alright” I told her. I wish I had the balls to tell her how I felt. I was never good with words. I needed to get her out of here before that ass found a way to get out of Zayns hold. We ran down the hall and as soon as we got there I felt someone hit my face. Then it happened again. I knew what was happening. “Jessica find the rest of the guys” I yelled. I knew she was going to be standing there if I didn’t tell her to do that. I grabbed Glenn and watched as she ran down the stairs. I hope she got out and that the boys will keep her safe.

Jessicas point of view:

I ran down the stairs knowing that Harry would make sure that I got away. I ran into someone. I looked up to see Zayn. I hugged him knowing he would protect me. “Jessica where is Harry” he asked. I broke down knowing that Glenn was going to hurt him. I should have never left. I wanted to run up there and pull Glenn away from Harry and tell him to take me away just to save him. I turned to go and help him but someone pulled me towards the door. “Jessica Harry said for me to get you out of here please just go with me. Harry will be fine he is stronger than he is letting on. He does not want to scare you” Zayn told me. I wanted to go help Harry. “ZAYN LET ME GO” I screamed. “I HAVE TO HELP HARRY I LOVE HIM” I yelled. When Zayn continued to pull me I stopped resisting and just went limp. I started to sob. I was going to lose the guy that I loved. Who am I kidding I haven't know him very long, but I guess that is how true love works. I just wanted to die because I knew that Harry was going to be gone forever.

Harry’s Point Of View:

I heard the words that I was too scared to say. She loved me. I knew that he had heard them too cause he turned towards me. “What have you done to her” He said to me. I could tell that he was pissed but I knew that she loved me and that gave me the boost that I needed to kick his ass. “I treated her right that was all I did. She told me everything the first day we met right after class” I told him. “She told me everything. She even went to lengths to eat lunch everyday at school because of wanting to see me and keep away from you.” He was shaking with anger. I should have kept my mouth shut because I have no idea what he is going to do. I know that he is capable of having people killed but what will he do to me? He lunged at me and knocked me down. I was not able to get a hold on him. He grabbed my neck and applied some pressure. “Jessica is mine and I will not let you get in between her and I. Do you want to end up like that little puke that she met once back in america? He is dead. I killed him. I will not let anyone take her from me and don't think that you being in a little group is going to stop me from getting her either” He spat into my face. I was starting to black out. It was going to be the end Jessica would never know how I felt about her. The last thought that I had the last image that I saw was Jessica her blond and pink hair in the warm London sun wearing her skinny jeans and black tank top from the first day. It was the last thing that I saw before I blacked out.

Zayn’s Point Of View:

Jessica’s words had hurt me a little but that was because I was not sure on how I had felt about her. I knew I liked her but it is sure to me now that I care for her as my little sister. I carried her out to the car where Louis was waiting with Liam and Niall. “Guys take her somewhere and wait for either me or Harry to call and get the location alright” I told them. My mother had lost her daughter when I was very young. She showed me pictures of me holding a baby girl that was just born she had just named her Jessie. I know that by now that she was gone. Guys had kidnapped her from the hospital. That is all my mother had told me. I could feel something about this girl. She had something that reminded me of my mother. She had the same eyes as her. I wanted to save her to take her to my mom’s grave and show her that I might have found my baby sister. That I might have saved her from someone who was trying to keep her for himself from true love. I ran upstairs to find Harry unconscious. This was not good Glenn was no where to be found. I texted Niall knowing that he was sitting out back with Jessica to warn him to get as far away from the city as quick as possible. I got a text back. I waited to read it. I needed to get Harry awake. He needed to wake up to help me make sure that Glenn gets to the police. It wasn't long before Harry was awake. “Where is Jess. I have to tell her that I love her” He said trying to get up. I pushed him back down gently. “Harry you have been knocked out for half an hour dude just rest. She is with the rest of the guys I swear alright” I told him. He relaxed a little before tensing up again. “Where is that ass I need to kick his ass before he can find her again” he told me. I sat there knowing that Niall would be wondering why we have yet to call him. “Harry I have no clue where he went but we do have to call Niall and see where they are so we can meet up with them.” I told him. I took out my cell remembering that I had gotten a text from him. I looked and saw that I had two. I opened the one from Niall knowing that the other one was probably someone from school wondering where I was.

To: Zayn

Dude Glenn Jumped us in the car and took Jess. We are trying to find her right now.

Shit that means that the other one was not going to be good at all. I opened it and saw that it was a picture message showing that Jessica was crying with her mouth duct taped and that she was tied up. I looked at Harry. I know that he will want to go after her right away and in the condition that he is in he is just going to get even more hurt. I knew what I had to do. “Harry, Glenn has Jessica again” I told him. He looked up at me again. I knew that he was pissed to hear that. “I also have reason to believe that she is my little sister. My mom was gone. That if it was her that she would never be able to meet her daughter. I just hope that she is. Even if she isn't she will become my adopted sister. I will not let her get hurt. “There is something else Harry” I told him. He looks up at me. I know he does not want to hear anymore that if it were bad news it would only enrage him more. “I also believe that she is my little sister Harry. I feel that she might be the little girl that was taken from my mother 18 years ago” I told him. “Zayn we have to go after her because I…..I…” he stuttered. I knew how he felt I could see it in his eyes. “I love her” he finally said.

Harry Styles Saved Me and Now I love HimWhere stories live. Discover now