Chapter Five

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“It’s getting late”, I whispered, as my eyelids grew heavier with every passing second. Jon and I had been sitting on his couch watching meaningless shows on the television, drinking tea and simply enjoying the others company, for what felt like hours. I’m sure it was something like four in the morning by now. “I think I should head out”, I mumbled trying to rub the sleep from my eyes.

The room stayed silent as I yawned and shifted my body next to Jon’s. As he continued watching the swirls of colors on the television, I watched as he rolled his teeth over his bottom lip, the nodded and turned to me with a small smile. “Lemme give you a ride home?”

“I can make it home, a-alright”, I stuttered as my eyelids collapsed, making my head drop down a little, until I caught myself and quickly made believe I was wide awake.

“Don’t be dumb”, Jon said shaking his head and setting his mug on the coffee table. “I don’t want you walking around these streets alone. You’re small, and delicate and shit.” We laughed at his choice of words, and then fell back into silence. As Jon moved around the room, I felt my body sink back into the couch. My eyes shut again, and as I felt the soft couch collide with my head, I felt my body start to shut down.

Jon called my names a few times, and then placed his warm hand on my cheek. The fire lighting inside of my stomach was almost strong enough for me to pry my tired eyes open, but I couldn’t make myself do it. I had been struggling all week in school, I haven’t been eating or sleeping, and tomorrow was Saturday. Tomorrow I had nothing to do, and that meant I could just sleep.

“Maddie, do you want to stay here?” I groaned and in my half asleep mindset nodded and cracked my eyes open to see Jon’s blaring red cheeks, small smile, and soft, shimmering, brown eyes.

“I’m just so tired Jon, I’ll leave, it’s fine. I’ll leave now. Goodnight, Jon”, I slurred and shut my eyes again, putting my arm over my face to block the dim lights of the living room over head.

The brunette let out a soft laugh as I snuggled into his couch and smiled. I felt his hand brush some hair out of my face, and as he started to talk to me in a low whisper, I felt my whole body relax and drift into sleep.

Jonathan Toews Point of View

The minutes slipped by as the body on the couch next to me inhaled and exhaled quietly. The soft scent of her perfume filled my head, and although the television was replaying the highlights from tonight’s game, I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. The peaceful was she laid there, her skin smooth, cheeks slightly pink, and full pink lips parted slightly. Her knees were pulled up as far as they could go, and her head was resting on her hands reminding me of a small child that had fallen asleep on the floor during a late night movie.

There was something innocent about the way Madison acted. It was like she had never been exposed to the cruel world around her, even though it was evident she was the furthest thing from innocent. People who are innocent don’t try to kill themselves.

My insides knotted with sadness as I thought about her silhouette standing on the ledge, leaning into the wind. There was so much pain in her voice that night, so much regret and defeat in her eyes that just thinking about it now made me want to throw up. How something as beautiful as her could be that tortured, that hurt, is beyond me, and only makes me blind with anger.

“Jon?” Her soft sleepy voice startled me, but within a second I was sitting right next to her, staring at her waiting for her to continue. “I’m sorry”, she slurred, and her eyes barely open, but looking right in mine. “I’m overstaying my welcome, I should go.”

“Maddie, you’re not even awake”, I chuckled to myself, “just go back to sleep, I’ll bring you home in the morning.” She nodded a little and after a few minutes, when I thought she was asleep, I was about to shift over a little when she called my name again. “Hmm?” I hummed looking over at her. This time her bright eyes were staring right into mine. The whites of her eyes were tinted pink, and as she scrunched up her nose and let out a long yawn, she smiled a little and put her hand on my leg.

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