La armeo de la Universo

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''Doctor?'' Rose asked walking into the Tardis console room, to find as she expected the doctor stretched out on the tan coloured seat, asleep. She sighed upon seeing him and went over and flicked his nose causing him to awake with a start.

''What was that for?'' The Doctor sat up looking around before his eyes fell on the blonde in front of him, with a smile on her face. He instantly knew he'd fallen asleep right after he'd promised her and Mickey to take them to a planet. He had said yes only because he had realised that not only Mickey hadn't  seen any planets yet, but him and Rose hadn't been to any in ages.

''Rose did he fall asleep again?'' Mickey asked as he entered the room following the yelp the Doctor had made when he had been woken up by Rose.

''I did not.'' The Time lord protested walking over to the console. However, before he touched a single button the Tardis began to whir and make even stranger and louder wheezing noises  than it usually did. The Doctor didn't even know what was happening.

Rose saw his reaction and knew that what was happening wasn't going to end well. Mickey on the other hand was oblivious to the fact that the Tardis was flying through the time vortex without any coordinates or the Doctor actually flying it. It didn't take long for the Tardis to make its usual noise and small jolt it made whenever it landed.

''So where are we then?'' Mickey asked still not clocking the confused and worried looks the Doctor and Rose where sporting at that moment. ''What why are you looking like that, I thought this was the part where you make some big speech and then we go out and explore,'' Mickey added finally spotting the looks the two were giving him.

''The thing is I, don't know where we are, but I can tell you what the planet is called.'' The Doctor paused as he ran over to the monitor to read the planets name off the screen ''La armeo de la Universo. Which translated means The Army of The Universe.''

''So what that means is that this is a massive army base of sorts,'' Rose suggested, but was met with silence from the man she was asking. ''Doctor?'' She asked trying to get his attention. It was no use because he just continued to stare at the screen.

Growing worried Rose and Mickey looked at each other, before then moving to look over the Doctor's shoulder. The screen was showing what was happening outside the Tardis; immediately Rose and Mickey knew the doctor wasn't just being quiet he was angry, for the Tardis was surrounded by men, who were aiming guns at them.

''We can just leave right We don't have to go out there,'' Rose said praying to god that the Doctor wasn't going to go out there and get them all into trouble.

''Now where's the fun in that, plus I did promise you a planet didn't I. Come on lets go and meet the neighbours" With that comment the trio made their way to the door and stepped out to be greeted by guns being pointed at them.

Violet sat up in her bed, something had woken her and she hadn't a clue what it was. She debated with herself if she should go back to sleep, but seeing as she was awake now she decided against falling asleep again. So she got up out of her bed and wandered over to the window. The very same window that many years ago she had stood, watching as a war destroyed the planet she had been born and raised on for the first hundred years of her life. The rest of her life since then had been spent on La armeo de la Universo. Her guardian thought it would be best to give her some responsibility so she was known as the head of the planet which was essentially the army for the universe. Well by that just meant it was the queen's private army and never really did much when it came to the Universe being at war.

There was a knock at the door, which made Violet leave her position by the window and make her way to the door. When opened she came face to face with Commander Jones, who was not only her second in command, but a friend she had known since she had arrived in the care of her guardian.

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