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Call me a downer, but I never felt bad for Romeo and Juliet.

Sure, Shakespeare's a genius, according to the English teachers. 'Where art thou, Romeo,' and all that stuff - classics. Now, I'm a little rusty on this whole romance, but I'll give explaining how stupid it is my best shot.

So, they meet, when he's just strolling along in the garden, peeping in her windows like a little frickin' pervert. Juliet sees him, and falls 'madly in love.' There's where the first little problems kicked in for me - how do you fall in love with someone you haven't spoken to? Was he that good looking? Sure, I can say I'm head over heels for Megan Fox, but it doesn't mean I'd die for her.

Oh, and don't forget the fact that he was her father's mortal enemy's son. Can you imagine how that conversation would have went nowadays?

"Dad," said Juliet, meeting her father's gaze across the McDonalds on the table. He set his phone down on the smooth wood. "What?"

"I'm in love with Romeo," she blurted out. "I don't care what you say, Daddy, it's true love and you can't stop us!"

Her father rolled his eyes, face turning a light red with anger. "That Romeo boy? Isn't he-"

"Yes!" she shouted, standing up with her chair flying backwards. "I don't care if you don't like him, I do!"

"How long have you known him?" He demanded. "How long had this been going on?"

Juliet frowned. "A few days,"

"Yet you're in love with him?"

Again, Shakespeare left out the fact that Juliet was a hormonal teenage girl and Romeo was probably just horny when he saw her. Either way, they were all loved up, but what happens next? What would happen if they didn't die together?

They would have gotten out of the honeymoon stage. Eventually, little things would start to annoy each other, like the fact that maybe Romeo had a bad habit of looking far too long at other girls, or Juliet was a jealous little idiot that couldn't deal with the fact that she had a hot boyfriend and people were looking at him. Or, perhaps, Romeo let his toenails grow too long, and when they fell asleep together, they scratched at her ankles. Juliet's pantyhose were constantly in a bunch.

And maybe, just maybe, if they'd given a little more time, they'd have realized, 'huh, maybe we're not so right for each other.'

But no, Shakespeare left that part out. A genius, according to society, left out the part that love really isn't all it's cut out to be, that it's not as passionate or exciting or that you just want to kill yourself after a week because your girlfriend is so hot.

He forgot to mention just one little thing, in the whole passionate whirlwind of Romeo and Juliet's romance.

Love doesn't work that way.

No, love isn't as simple as he seems to make it. Love doesn't overcome everything, even though Shakespeare decided to kill them both off after a few days after meeting.

What came out of that? A bunch of crying girls watching the movie. Two dead bodies, a rather pointless ending to the movie.

"Love, it's for love! It's beautiful and passionate and exciting, and just everything I've ever wanted!" people say, usually teenage girls.

So you want love, you want that excitement that comes with breaking every rule you can think of, then dying at the end? Really?

Just think about it. Because, quite honestly, my love life is messed up enough.

Who needs all that drama?

Certainly, not me - but of course, it was me who got it.

Just a quick prologue on Fall for You. I know that all of the other books in the Song Series have back stories on the boys, but Toby's is too long to fit in one, so go check out Before the Worst to get a quick idea on how Toby's life went before.

Carly x

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