Try Hard (1)

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"I play guitar but she's into drummers

She's seen my face around but

She doesn't even know my name"

-5 Seconds of Summer, Try Hard

"Yes, Molly, I know that Barbie's just like you," I said patiently, Evan's little sister clinging to my hand. Brooke gasped. "Really?"

"Well, yeah," I said, trying not to laugh as I looked down at the five year old's round blue eyes. "If Barbie looks like Molly, doesn't she look like you too?"

"Yes," Molly said importantly, tugging on my other hand so I'd look at her. "You know why? Because we're 'dental."

"Identical," I enunciated, holding back a smile as she rolled her eyes. "That's what I said!"

"Right," I agreed, Brooke yawning once. "I'm tired," she complained. I knelt down, allowing her to reach around my neck. Molly instantly copied her sister, and I stood up with the two little blondes propped on my hips. I slid my arm under Brooke's thighs to keep her up, offering her my Starbucks cup. "Hold this?" I asked. She looked sternly at me.

"Please," I added. She nodded, smiling happily. "Yes, Toby, I would love to." she smiled. I chuckled. "Thanks, Brooke."

Molly looked disgruntled. "I wanna hold it!"

"You can hold the next one," I promised, not wanting to be stuck, quite literally, in the middle of an argument. Molly leaned her cheek against my shoulder, touching her curled fingers to her lips. "Toby," she said, closing her eyes. "Can we go to the store?"

"Can we go to what store?" I asked, already knowing her answer. Turning a corner, I headed down the sidewalk with the twins clinging on happily. "The music store!" Brooke squealed when she saw it. I nodded. "Have you been practicing?" I asked.

As a gift for Christmas, I had given them a ukelele to share, knowing they thought it was a guitar and knowing they'd get bored pretty fast. Brooke pressed her lips together, her laser blue eyes peeking out from underneath her jagged blonde fringe. "We will," she promised. "Right, Wobbles?"

Molly nodded importantly. "Right," she agreed. I chuckled. "Wobbles?"

Brooke nodded. "Evan gets a nickname, so we decided to give ourselves them," she explained.

"I'm Wobbles," Molly piped up. "And Brookie is River"

"Any particular reason?"

"Because," Brooke rolled her eyes like I was the biggest idiot in the world. "Molly rhymes with Wobbles, and River is like Brooke."


If Molly rhymed with Wobbles, then my name must be George Washington.

I continued down the street, Molly tapping her finger against the lens of my sunglasses. I ducked back. "Molly," I whined. "Quit that!"

Brooke joined in, so all I could really see was little purple painted fingernails and Brooke's butterfly bandaid. I pulled a face as I leaned away, but they simply squealed with laughter and covered my eyes further. I sighed and stopped walking. "Girls, we're not going to able to go the music store if you don't let go."

Molly giggled. "You can walk with no eyes!" she exclaimed. "I can!"

She wriggled until I set her down, and Brooke, not willing to be outdone by her sister, jumped off also. Molly closed her eyes, taking a cautious step in her bright pink rain boots, then a larger one. "Are you watching?" she shouted. I pulled off my sunglasses. "I'm watching," I promised, keeping an eye on her as I used the hem of my shirt to clean off the fingerprints from the lens.

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