July 3

55 3 0

Dear Kimura-san,

Greetings! Haha. How's it going there? I think I'm going crazy. Writing a letter I know you'll never read.

Anyways, our class watched a movie about football earlier. And as usual, I imagined you would be there. Gah! I'm embarassing myself, I should stop.

So, today in Home Economics, was really.  . . I don't even know how to describe this anymore. Well, I kinda dislike the teacher, and two parties that are running for student council came in. We tried to stall them to avoid class, a normal student would do. But, when I asked a question for the second party, I felt a weird aura behind me.

When they were done and went out, it was just in time for recess. And you know what happened? She got mad! She just glanced at me, but she was totally mad at me. I never liked her. And she was like; "You know what? I'm gonna have a quiz tomorrow!"

So what? As if there was a quiz she had that I didn't get a perfect score (¬_¬)

Sorry for ranting out to you. But I feel better now. Until . . . tomorrow?

Yours Truly,

Dear || A 30-Day Letter for Kimura RyouheiWhere stories live. Discover now