July 6

30 2 0

Dear Kimura Ryouhei-san!

Jusy 24 more days! But, my schedule isn't getting along with everything.

I swear, my grave must be calling out to me. I just wanna sleep now, and wake up at 10am, hoping to see your face as I open my eyes--

Ehem, as I was writing, today, we had a Grand Rally for those who will be running for the Studenr Council. I was running as a Representative for my Grade level. But you know what?

I WAS FORCED TO DANCE IN THE UNITY DANCE (where mainly officers are supposed to be), DANCE IN EVERY DANCE FROM OUR PARTY (even the Officers-only dance).

But, I get to use my amateur narration skills that I got from listening to KiraKiraBeat-R, so it's okay xD

Tomorrow is the election! I have a high chance of not winning, since my classmate who is also running, has been the class representative for like, 6 years consecutively?

Anyway! How's life there? Make sure to take time to rest! I was really stressed but a good friend of mine sent me a GIF of you, and it kinda helped me out a bit 😊 Thank you.

This is the longest letter so far. I hope you'll get to read this!

Yours Truly,

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