July 8

27 2 3

Dear Kimura-san,

It's been a long day today. I went to the city and it rained really hard. We almost go stuck there, but good thing it calmed down.

I woke up to this blog, bashing Irino Miyu-san about the Anime Expo thing, and about fans getting mad and/or quitting being a fan of a certain seiyuu after getting married.

Don't worry ^^ I'm not that kind of fan. If you get in a relationship or get married, I'll support you! I'll be sad at first of courae, but I'll hopefully get over it fast. As long as you're happy, I am as well.

So, speaking of...are you committed? Haha, just kidding I don't want to know.

Yours Truly,

Dear || A 30-Day Letter for Kimura RyouheiWhere stories live. Discover now