July 22

20 3 0

Dear Kimura-san,


Exams are finished today. Good thing, headsets were allowed, and I was able to listen to songs while answering our exams.

Remember the teacher I've been mentioning? Seems like a lot of other grade levels also dislike her teaching ways.

Welp, a lot happened today, but I need to get my head at least a tiny bit of rest. Tomorrow is a Sunday, and I have to go to church. I'll probably be back by afternoon, and I still have a lot to do. RIP Jhae. What is rest?

Take time to rest, Kimura-san! Time flies by fast. I remember I was just making the cover for this book, but now, just 8 more letters to go!


Yours Truly,

Dear || A 30-Day Letter for Kimura RyouheiWhere stories live. Discover now