July 17

16 3 0

Dear Kimura-san,

Waaaah! Just 13 more days. I'm really excited! It's your birthday, plus my godfather is coming with my new camera!

But I'm more excited  for your birthday of course.

Today, it took me 30 minutes of meditation before I actually woke up. Then, when I went to school, I asked the school nurse if he had a toothpick. When he asked me why, I told him I would use it as a stand for my heavy eyelids. He ended up laughing really hard.

I still have a hangover from the journalism training this weekend. I'm tired and sore all over. Brain cell count? Zero.

But when we had a quiz earlier, me and my best friend that went with me in the journalism training got a higher score than the rest of the class even though our brains were floating everywhere.

Hahaha, another thing happened, but it's too personal, so I'll keep it to myself.

How are you there? If we were close in real life, I would be preparing for your birthday party right now. Welp, this has to be destined to be like this.

Keep up the good work, and good luck with your future works. Take time to rest!

Yours Truly,

Dear || A 30-Day Letter for Kimura RyouheiWhere stories live. Discover now