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Truth is a weird noun. It has so much meaning, but people often shove it aside. Instead residing with a lie, or in some cases "not the whole truth." Guilty as charged.

We all tell lies everyday without even realizing we do. Just take a second to think, how often do you tell the real truth?

I can say for myself not often enough.

Bennet is in one of those "not the whole truth" situations. So many people, everyone besides Dom and I really, don't know the truth about Bennet's situation hes in. And if Bennet gets his way, no one ever will know.

I told myself when coming here I wasn't going to be the same person I was at Seneca. Gabby Turner probably wouldn't have given Bennet the time of day if she found out he was gay. I want to make a change here, to do something to help someone.

Honestly, I believe helping Bennet come to reality with his sexuality would have a positive affect on his life. And if it helped him, it helped me.

After the bell rang to signal the start of the class I wasn't in rang, I heard Bennet close his locker behind me. I rushed to his side.

"Gabby," he acknowledged, readjusting his book bag on his shoulder.

"I think you should tell my mom." I suggested as I walked with him to his class.

Surely Ayden is wondering where the hell I am, one of the few negatives of having every class with him. However, I have to talk to Bennet and I don't think it can wait.

"Nope." He shook his head in disagreement.

"She won't judge you, Bennet. She has a son that's...just like you."

I refrained from using the word gay while at school, in case nosy eavesdroppers caught some of our conversation. I don't want anyone hearing something that they aren't supposed to and assuming shit.

"It could be good for you to have an adult figure that can help you understand what you're going through."

"We'll see." With that, he walked into his classroom and closing the door behind him.

Even though I consider Bennet and I to be friends now, he can still be a jerk sometimes. I guess it's just in his nature, no matter who you are.

I made it to my psychology class I share with Ayden only twenty minutes after the bell. I think it goes without saying, Ayden was worried.

"Where were you?" He asked me the second I took my seat next to him.

"I was talking to Bennet at his locker and got side-tracked." The lateness made sense due to the fact my locker is on the complete opposite side of the school.

"You were talking to Bennet?"

Although it's been quite some time since Bennet and I have learned to respect each other, Ayden still gets weirded out or confused from time to time. I guess in situations like these, where I show up 10 minutes late to class because of a conversation with Bennet are what confuse him.

"Yeah," I nodded, trying to think of an offhand explanation. "Dom wanted me to check with him to see what time he'd be coming over to help him study."

I hate lying to him. And I hate that lying to him comes so easily to me. It's not like I had any other option. It's not my truth to tell.

It's pretty obvious that he's suspicious, but I'm pretty positive that it's not at all what Ayden thinks it is. For one, i don't have feelings for Bennet, and Bennet certainly does not have feelings for me.

I'm not really his type.

"What're you up to tonight?" Ayden asked me at the end of class. He seemed to be in a better mood compared to when I first arrived to class.

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