Begin Again

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August 25th 2017

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

Such a cliché line, but it speaks of the future perfectly.

Earlier Dom and Ayden had helped me load up my last few bags into my car to take over to the apartment that Ayden and I had just started renting that's only about 15 minutes away from home and 15 minutes away from UCLA. It's perfect.

Mom was reluctant to allow Ayden and I move in together fresh out of high school, but I convinced her it was a good idea and that I genuinely don't see myself with anyone else besides Ayden, ever.

Ayden and I have gone back to Nevada several times since my birthday to visit Lilly, more less my father and Ellen.
Dom hasn't gone back since that one time in February, but I still don't blame him.
Mom has been on and off with that Cade guy she started dating earlier in the year, but things seem to be going smoother for the two now. They've been "on" for a while now.

Dom and Bennet are still together and seem to be going strong - Ayden and I have come to the agreement this is the happiest we have seen the two of them in years.

As for Ayden, his dad is back for good now. He's living with Mary, but they haven't made anything official, yet. Though, we all know they both clearly love each other still.

When Emma had told Colton about attending Stanford, he was shocked and scared. He obviously didn't want to lose Emma because of the distance, but they promised each other they'd fight through it, and if it became too difficult, they would cut things off. They were strong believers in the saying if you love someone, set them free, and if they come back to you, it was meant to be. I don't doubt for a single second that Colton and Emma aren't meant to be, so I'm not too worried about it.

What with Ayden and I both moving out and Bennet not wanting to live on campus, Ayden's mom suggested he officially move in and take Ayden's room. The idea was Ayden's, but Mrs. Mary was the one to pitch the idea to Bennet. Bennet didn't want to intrude, so he had asked Ayden if it was alright and Ayden assured him it was.

"Grab me a slice, Bennet!" I called after Bennet as he stood up and approached the door wall to go back inside Ayden's house from the backyard.

He flashed me a thumbs up before disappearing into the house.

Everyone was here at Ayden's - my mom, Cade, Dom, Bennet, Colton, Dakota, Ayden's parents, Emma, her parents, Ayden, and myself.

Bennet had informed Ayden, Dom, and I that he reached out to his dad and invited him over to the farewell occasion, but he never heard anything back.

He came back with my slice of pizza and a fresh Coke can for himself, returning to his seat next to Dom on the bench seat. He wrapped his arm around Dom and offered him a drink of his soda.

Over the past few months, Dom and Bennet have become much more comfortable with each other, publicly and privately.

"Sorry, your dad didn't show." Dom mumbled softly. Had the area not been completely silent, no one would've heard it, but it was, so we did.

"I didn't expect him to come. Sure, I hoped he would, but I didn't expect it. I know he doesn't care - he hasn't for 5 years now."

That's so heartbreaking.

"Bennet," Mrs. Mary began. "I have something to tell you." The beginning to the confession was enough to gain the attention of everyone around the table.

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