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Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year.

The lights, the music, the food, the family time, the gifts. It all makes Christmas time so amazing.

My mom wasn't able to go all out for our gifts like we were used to in the past, but what was under the tree was the last of my concerns. I was merely looking forward to spending this nice day with my mother and brother.

"Which Christmas movie are we watching first?" I asked curling up in a ball on the couch with my new slipper socks on my feet that came from my mother.

"Polar Express!" Dom yelled from the kitchen. He was still in his Christmas PJs still with two bowels of popcorn in hand.

He handed me one and sat down between Mom and I.

Four bags of popcorn and 3 movies later, its roughly 4pm on Christmas Day when there's a knock on our door.

Who would come knocking at our door in the middle of Christmas?

"I got it." Dom took one for the team and left halfway through the Elf movie to answer the door.

I heard the door open, but didn't hear any words being exchanged.

Confused, I stood up and went to see who was at the door, Mom right in tow.

"Who's there, Dom?" Mom called as he came into view.

As they came into view.

My dad was standing on our door step while Dom just stared at him, not knowing what to say or do.

How could he come here? I told him that no one was ready for this.

My mom stopped dead in her tracks, her eyes going wide and filling with pain.

I was the only one not frozen in their spot as I walked straight past Dom and slamming the door closed behind me.

"What are you doing here, Dad? You can't show up here unannounced. I told you... I told you that nobody was ready to see you, not even me, but you chose to not take into consideration anyone else's feelings. Again. You need to leave and you need to not come back." With that, I turned around, tears immediately filled my eyes as I walked through the door and hugged my brother who was still standing there appalled.

None of us Roberts were in the Christmas mood anymore, agreeing we just needed some alone time.

Dom went to his bedroom, leaving the door open, my mom went to her's, and I went to mine.

It felt like we were back where we started, a dispersed family, but I knew right now that all any of us needed is time to be alone.

I spent pretty much the rest of my Christmas crying in my bedroom.

Merry Christmas to the Roberts family.

Ayden's name and contact picture flashed on my phone to signal to me that he was calling me. I took in a deep breath and wiped my eyes, ready to mask my sadness so I wouldn't bring him down with me.

"Hey, Ayd, Merry Christmas." I said, softly.

"Merry Christmas, Gabs." I could hear his tone laced with happiness. His happiness was enough to put the smallest smile on my face. "Sorry we haven't talked much today, I've been with my dad all day."

I figured, that's why I haven't tried contacting him.

"It's okay." My voice cracked. I closed my eyes and sighed, praying he didn't catch it.

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