Dalton Academy

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It was Kurt Hummel's very first day at Dalton Academy. Kurt had gotten his uniform sent to him 2 days prior to his first day. Kurt had left WMHS due to bullying. Kurt was bullied so much because he was the only openly gay boy in the entire school- which made him an easy target.
"Am I going to get bullied here too" This thought ran through Kurt's head for the past few weeks during her things set up for his transfer.
It was 6:15 AM and school at Dalton didn't start until 7:30 AM. Kurt had gotten up super early (5:15 AM to be exact) to make sure he could fit in his moisturizing routine and get his hair into his perfect quiff all before school had begun.
That's when Kurt's phone vibrated. His phone was sitting on the counter in his kitchen while he was eating at the breakfast table. A sudden rush of fear came over Kurt. He didn't want his morning to be ruined by yet again another McKinley bully anonymously texting him rude things. Kurt dreaded having to just take the 3 steps to get to his phone. "I know I seem silly being overcome with fear about a dumb bully who doesn't matter because I am an upper class citizen and they are merely peasants" The truth was that the bullying had finally gotten to Kurt. He basically had a breakdown and didn't attend school for 2 weeks. When he came back he got the living hell beat out of him. That was Kurt's last day at WMHS.
"Hey boo!! I just wanted to wish you luck at Dalton today. We are all going to miss you so much! Make sure you still talk to me or else I'll come to Dalton and have to sing "hell to the no" and embarrass you in front of all your friends. Love you boo! 😘"-Mercedes Jones (aka bestie)
Thank grilled cheesus. It was only Mercedes that had texted Kurt to wish him luck. Kurt replied as soon as he finished reading the short paragraph Mercedes wrote for him.
"I love you too!!! Do you think they will be mean to me???? I'm panicking."- Kurt Hummel ( aka bestie)
Kurt waited patiently finishing up his toast and drinking his orange juice for a reply from Mercedes. Kurt thought that they were going to be awful to him. Kurt looked into the mirror and said "If they are awful to you Kurt Hummel you look them in the face and say "I am too strong for you to knock me down. I maybe the new kid but I'm also the new cool kid" that will show them" Then Kurt's phone buzzed and he read the text from Mercedes.
"No way in hell those Dalton boys will be mean. I'm sure plenty of them are gay mainly because they've only been surrounded by boys 😂😂😂"- Mercedes Jones (aka bestie)
"She was right. There was no way they could be all that mean to me because many of them had to be gay, right?" Kurt replied back to Mercedes with:
              "You're right. Hey I gotta go now I want to get there early just in case I get lost, which is most likely. Love you, talk to you later"- Kurt Hummel (aka bestie)
            Burt Hummel, Kurt's father, then walked down the stairs. "Alright Kurt, I've only got one thing to say for today and that is that I want you to have fun. You haven't had fun at school your entire live and today you will have fun. But not too much fun" Said Burt with a wink. "Now let's get into the car and get you to Dalton Academy"
         Kurt said goodbye to his father and stepped into Dalton Academy.  Dalton was a 20 minute drive from the hud-mmel residence and was a pretty boring drive.
         Kurt slowly turned the handles to open the French doors of Dalton Academy. The shingles floor was spotless and the entire room was covered with their school colors "red and blue" Kurt whispered to himself. This was Kurt's moment to shine. He wondered why no one was around but then he heard singing. He walked down the hallway to the left and inside the French doors at the very end of the hallway was a glee club. Kurt walked into a crowd of at least 400 people and stood close to the front watching the lead singer. He had hair that was a blackish brown and wore the same uniform of grey dress pants and a blue blazer with red piping, accompanied by the Dalton crest on the right side. Underneath his blazer he had a white button up dress shirt and a blue and red stripped tie. He was about 5'8 which was a little but short considering Kurt is 5'10 and has big hair adding height to that. The lead singer had hazel eyes that could light up an entire room. He had the kindest look to his face that made him very approachable. Kurt knew he has already found a friend in Dalton. Kurt was just hoping that maybe this lead singer would be interested in more than just friends. For now though Kurt stared at the boy singing "Teenage Dream" by Katy Perry. Kurt knew to get close to this boy he should join their version of a glee club.
               After 3 more songs that Kurt didn't really hear because he was so concentrated on the hot singer in front of him he leaned to the young man next to him and whispered "hi I'm Kurt Hummel I'm new here, today is my first day. What the hell is happening school was supposed to start 20 minutes ago?" The boy stared at Kurt admiring his beautiful sea foam eyes and perfect hair, skin, build, everything was perfect for this boy. The boy next to Kurt had similar hair to Kurt's, this boys hair was a darker caramel color and he had blue green eyes and dresses just like the rest of everyone. He was much taller than the lead singer of the group performing, about 6'2 and he seemed to be a bit snarky, not as kind as the singer seemed to look. "Pleased to meet you Kurt, I'm Sebastian Smythe, this is the Warblers they usually get to do performances whenever and the teachers accept it because they say you need to express the arts." Sebastian whispered.
            Kurt was taken back by how kind Sebastian was to him and thought about possibly becoming friends with Sebastian, but just friends, Sebastian wasn't his type. The lead singer of the Warblers was his type.
           "Do you know the name of the lead singer?" Kurt questions Sebastian. Sebastian responded with "Blaine Anderson. Basically a Dalton legend for his voice. He's only a junior and is leading the group. He's a very sweet guy. Rumor says he's quite available, but won't put out. I plan to change that. Do you think I have a shot at getting Blaine?"
            Kurt's heart sunk. He knew Blaine was his love at first sight. He had a feeling that Blaine was his one true love. He didn't ever have to speak a single word to Blaine because he felt that Blaine was perfect. Kurt thought Sebastian did have a chance though, but was he only in it for sex? Kurt definitely didn't want to get into a relationship for sex. Yet something about the challenge of getting an innocent boy like Blaine to put out and crushing Sebastian's chance was slightly appealing. "Kurt Hummel you can't ruin the only friendship you have that is forming with Sebastian. It doesn't matter that he loves Blaine like you do. He doesn't need to know you love him, right?" Kurt thought to himself.
             Kurt replied with "You have a chance with Blaine. Are you just going for the challenge of getting him to put out though?" Sebastian didn't actually know the answer himself. " No, it's just a plus of an extra challenge" Sebastian said smirking. Kurt thought that Sebastian was a little bitch. But maybe he would feel different if he didn't also have feelings for Blaine. "Make sure you care about him, he seems sweet."
          When the concert was over Kurt and Sebastian went to their first period class. They had the class together so Sebastian walked with Kurt.
          "If you don't feel comfortable answering this then please don't, but have you lost your virginity yet ?"
          Sebastian laughed- maybe even a little too hard. "Of course I have. That's why being with Blaine would be fun. I'm so experienced I could rock his world"
          Experience. That was one thing that Kurt didn't have and needed to be with Blaine. "Kurt you have already built up a complete life with Blaine based on what this rodent has told you. Maybe Blaine isn't as hard to please as Sebastian makes him out to be. Maybe he would like me if he met me" Kurt thought to himself.
         "I haven't I've been waiting for someone special, but lately I don't know if it's worth the wait, it's just sex it isn't like it's the most important thing in the world " Kurt replied to Sebastian
          Sebastian looked at Kurt like he has 3 heads. "Sex is the most important thing ever. It creates all life so it's pretty damn important. But if I were you I would get your v-card swiped asap because experience is what gets you with hot guys like Blaine."
         Kurt didn't know wether or not Sebastian was being helpful. Kurt thought he could really enjoy Sebastian's company if Sebastian didn't have a huge ass crush on  Blaine. Maybe I'm going kind of insane. I haven't ever even talked to Blaine and Sebastian is genuinely a decent guy except for him liking Blaine." Kurt thought to himself.
        "Anyway new subject because I'm uncomfortable" Kurt let out a small laugh after he said that "the Warblers group can I join it?"
        Sebastian replied with " Yes, but you have to audition to get in and only the best of the best get in. I auditioned 3 times already and couldn't get in, but this time I'm going to be able to get in."
        Kurt said "I'm sure you could get in if you really practiced. Maybe we could practice sometime. I was in glee club at my old school."
          "That would be lovely Kurt. The Warblers are having auditions this Thursday so we have today and then 2 days until the auditions after that. They are before school starts so we have to get here early as fuck." Kurt and Sebastian let out a small laugh at that and then Sebastian continued what he was saying  "Do you want to meet after school today in the auditorium and practice?"
          Kurt had to take the opportunity to try and make at least one friend. "Sure that would be great."
        The rest of the day went by pretty fast until lunch. Kurt had no idea where he could sit until he spotted Sebastian. Kurt skipped over to him and said "Would be okay if I sat with you I don't have anywhere else really I only met a few other people and they weren't the most talkative to me."
       "Sure I sit with the lacrosse boys. I play lacrosse it's kind of a big deal her at Dalton, but a pain in the ass to get into." Sebastian said laughing.
         Kurt sat down beside Sebastian. The other people seemed like they could tear Kurt's head off very easily and not even be fazed by it.
         "Guys this is Kurt today is his first day so he'll be joining us for a while. Or at least until we become Warblers and can sit with them."
           All the lacrosse players completely understood and welcomed Kurt in like family.
         After lunch Kurt had a science class and of course they had to get into groups. Kurt actually ended up being asked by Wes, Trent, and Sylar, 3 Warblers who said that Kurt had a spunk to him that made them choose him to be in their group. Kurt knew that Wes, the one who said about the spunk, wanted into Kurt's pants so he just thanked them and they worked on their work.
        Kurt walked past Blaine a few times during the day and each time caught Blaine staring at his face and then when Kurt would turn around to check out Blaine's ass he could see that Blaine was doing the same with Kurt. Maybe Blaine had feelings for Kurt.

    I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter there is more to come soon and sorry it's short I have longer ones coming soon!!
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