Which way do I go?

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         In the car on the way home from Dalton Academy with Burt and Kurt Hummel:
         "Soooooo how was the first day of school kiddo?" Burt asked his son.
        "It was actually pretty good. I made a friend, Sebastian, and we decided to try out for the glee club their called the Warblers-"
         "Wait a second, Kurt you got bullied at your last school because of glee is it worth it again?" Burt asked.
        "Dad at this school glee is cool. Everyone watched this morning and clapped and no one laughed. But then the lead singer, Blaine, came to auditorium after Sebastian left the auditorium and we sang together and he let me in the group with no audition!!!!! It was wonderful" replied Kurt.
      "That sounds really great bud, but aren't you worried that maybe he's setting you up?" Questioned the teens father.
     "Not really I trust Blaine enough. I don't think he would do that and if he does, so what I'll audition and make it in myself."
      "That's the spirit kid. Ok Carole will have dinner done when we get home so I hope you are hungry" said Burt.                                                                                                                                                                      Carole is Finn Hudson's mom and Kurt's stepmother. Carole is the sweetest women to walk the earth and Finn is the kindest guy. Finn attends WMHS like Kurt used to. They spent some time together being brothers and all, but they had very different interests after all. Kurt liked spending a lot of time designing outfits and trying out new skincare products that have just been released to the market. Finn on the other hand enjoyed playing football and playing video games with his friends.                                                                                                                                                             "Dad, you know I'm gay, right?" Kurt asked his father.                                                                                          "Kurt you told me this a while ago while you were doing your moisturizing routine. Why are you bringing it up again? Is there a guy, do you like this person, are you dating?" asked Burt.                  "Dad I know that I already told you, but now I am attending an all boys school and a lot of them are gay and I don't want you to be surprised if like at Christmas time when Finn brings home Rachel, if I brought a boy." Said Kurt                                                                     "Kurt you know that no matter who you are Carole and Finn and I will all still love you. Listen Kurt, we don't love you or hate you based on who you love. We love you or hate you based on your personality and kid you are so sweet and I love you to pieces. If anyone hates you it's simply just because they are homophobic. So please Kurt don't beat yourself up for who you are. You are the best you that you are and we all love you." preached Burt.                                                     "I love you dad" said Kurt. Kurt was holding back tears and watching his dad hold back tears too. Burt always knew what to say to help everyone feel so accepted and welcome.                                           "I love you too Kurt." Replied Burt                                                                                                                                       Finn was sitting at the counter and complaining to Carole about dinner not being completely done and that his math homework was too hard.                                                                                             "Finn you need to complain a little less and try a little harder instead of making out with Rachel Berry all day." Kurt said giggling a little bit.                                                                                                           "Good to see you survived  your first day at Dalton. How is it are there any cute boys for you to get?" Asked Finn.                                                                                                                                              "I must say that I am quite proud of you for taking an interest in my love life instead of talking about how hot girls are all the time. But yes there are cute boys, but everyone is just themselves so you never actually know sexual orientation which is a great thing, but when I'm looking for a romantic partner it's quite hard to know who's gay and who isn't." replied Kurt.                   "Um.. okay bro I hope you find someone for you I'm going to go Facetime Rachel." Said Finn awkwardly.                                                                                                                                                                                          "Keep it pg" Kurt teased. Finn looked back at Kurt and glared. Kurt went into the kitchen to see if Carole needed any help with dinner. Carole didn't need help so Kurt went upstairs to his room and decided to give Blaine a call. He dialed Blaine's number, 419-349-7732, then Kurt waited.                                                                                                                                              "Hello?" Said Blaine answering the phone.

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