Troubled Waters?

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                   Kurt woke up bright and early the next morning around 6:00 am which meant he had about an hour and fifteen minutes before he had to leave to make it to Dalton. Kurt sat up in bed and grabbed his phone. He saw that Blaine had texted him.
"Hey babe I was just wondering if you wanted a ride to school I could pick you up around 6:45 and we could go make a quick stop at the Lima bean and then straight to school? If not today maybe tomorrow let me know-Blaine" is what the text message read.
Kurt responded with: "I'm totally free to go today and every other day because that sounds like an amazing morning. See you in 45 minutes 😘" that's when Kurt realized he only had 45 minutes to get ready for his first day taken to the hottest boy at Dalton Academy. Kurt jumped out of bed and started his moisturizing routine because after all that was the most important thing.
It was 6:20 when Kurt finished his routine and that meant he only had 25 minutes to do his hair and make sure his uniform was in perfect condition. Kurt ran over to his mirror and quickly swooped his hair to the side and put product in it to keep it in place. He then sprinted to his closet and pulled out his Dalton uniform and threw it on. He then added a light cologne and lint rolled the uniform and ran down the stairs to grab his satchel with all his school supplies in it. He then ran back up stairs around 6:40 to tell his dad and Carole where he was going. They just nodded and let him go. So Kurt ran into the kitchen to make sure he took his morning vitamin C pill.
Vitamin C Vogue magazine says it boosts energy levels and brightens the complexion. Kurt thought to him self as he swallowed the pill. Then Blaine texted Kurt that he was here and Kurt walked out the front door and his heart was thumping he was so nervous and excited about what to do and what to say but he knew that Blaine would make him feel better no matter what.
"Hey thanks for the ride" Kurt said awkwardly getting into Blaine's car.
"Kurt, you don't need to be awkward we both know that this isn't just for a ride it's because I wanted to see you and I'm hoping that maybe you feel the same way" Blaine said a lot less nervous than Kurt.
"Yes of course I just wanted to see you all I wanted to do for the last few hours is to see you because you're amazing but I don't know how to tell you that" Kurt blurted out and then immediately regretted it.
"I feel the same Kurt Hummel" Blaine said slowly leaning over to kiss Kurt the two slowly kissed making even their short kiss seem like an eternity when they pulled their lips apart Blaine decided hat he should probably leave the hud-mmel residence for kissing Kurt like that again. And then Blaine drove towards the Lima bean.
Now at The Lima Bean
"I'll take a medium drip and a grande non-fat mocha for this guy. And maybe I can get him to split one of those Cupid cookies" Blaine remarked.
"You know my coffee order." Kurt said flirtatiously.
"Of course I do" Blaine replied.
The two waited for their coffee and Cupid cookie and made light small talk about the first rehearsal for Kurt as a Warbler and that Kurt should just try to blend in, not make too much of a shoe so that the other Warblers don't kick him out and Blaine for putting Kurt into the Warblers. They then walked over to a table and sat across from each other. Blaine stared into Kurt eyes and Kurt pretended not to notice but really he was melting on the inside.
"I love you" Blaine said to Kurt with the most confidence.
"I love you too" Kurt replied.
Both of the boys realized that this was the first time that they said that they loved each other. They had said that they bought they loved each other but actually saying it meant the two boys were untouchable for that moment and it meant the world to both of them.
"You know I thought that Dalton was going to be a lot better than my other school, but I was wrong. People are mean to you and there are cliques everywhere. But what I found with you and how nice all the other warblers at lunch yesterday made me realize that any mean thing that anyone could say to us, won't matter. Because we have each other." Kurt said
"I'm sure that it's obvious that everyone at Dalton treats me well, but I wasn't truly happen because I was expected to act a certain way and sing a certain way and now that you are here I just feel like you said that nothing matters except for us. Oh and obviously our school work is important too." Blaine laughed a little at the end of his statement.
"So if I ever do go back, to McKinley, what would happen to us?" Kurt asked. "I'm just wondering because it's been on my mind a little since you brought up me ever leaving. Even though this is only my third day at Dalton."
"Kurt, honestly I don't think I could leave Dalton ever. Dalton is the only place I ever felt safe and still one of the only 2 or 3 places that I actually feel safe. So I guess we would see each other less because I don't know if I could leave too." Blaine said shyly.
"Blaine I would never ask you to switch schools unless we were dating for a very long time. I just want to know if you would still have an effort to keep us together?" Kurt asked.
"Of course I would have an effort Kurt. Why is this so important right now? Like you just said this is your third day at Dalton so maybe you shouldn't be worrying about how you are going to feel when you return back to the place where your heart is or whatever. Kurt I love you, I truly do. But you are making me feel like you came to Dalton to find what you were missing which is me, and I'm glad we found each other, and a spot in an actually good show choir." Blaine said
"Do you really think that I came to Dalton to get a boyfriend and a show choir spot, of do you think I just want the trophies from the spot or the pride of dating openly. Because you are right Blaine. I want to have a chance at winning that the new directions hadn't had yet but they will get there. And yes I want to walk down the hallway holding your hand without getting shoved or slushed or beat up or called a "fag." Yes Blaine I want a normal accepting school that loves me for me."
"Is sorry Kurt I didn't know that you went through all of that. Just forget about what I said." Blaine said embarrassed.
"Blaine I went through those things and it made me stronger. My bullies don't have anything on me. But sometimes Blaine I just don't want to worry about protecting my cashmere or hair from blue slushies. I want to worry about glee club choreography and maintaining good grades and being a good boyfriend because I love you too." Kurt said. "And I'm sorry I blew up on you I'm just still not quite over everything that has happened at McKinley."
"Come here." Blaine said with opened arms.
                          The two shared a quick embrace and then split their Cupid cookie in half. They then finished up their coffee ate the last few bites of the cookie and walked out to Blaine's car to head to school.
          Hey guys so I've decided that I'm going to keep the chapters shorter and update more frequently because the old chapters took a while to write so please don't worry about he short size. It just means this will get updates a lot quicker 😉
           Also I'm so sorry that Kurt and Blaine got into a little fight but trust me it will all work out in the end.
            Don't forget to vote comment and follow for updates! Love you all!!

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