Love Triangle. Maybe?

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Kurt was going insane the last 2 periods of the day wondering if Blaine had feelings for Kurt. Kurt had to keep telling himself that there was no way someone like Blaine Anderson, super popular hot boy, would like him. Kurt didn't pay attention the last two period of the day caught up with the Blaine thoughts. Blaine to Kurt was the perfect guy in all ways that we knew of. Kurt was determined to at least get his number to be hides friend if it date him.
After school Kurt was scheduled to meet with Sebastian in the auditorium to practice. "What if he doesn't think I sing good or he thinks that I'm awkward when I sing?" Kurt thought to himself. Kurt, after a few seconds of debating his worry, dismissed the thought and realized that Sebastian didn't seem to have it out for him.
Kurt went to the auditorium straight after his last period class. Kurt thought that Sebastian was super sweet and knew for sure that Kurt would have a crush on him if Sebastian didn't have feelings for Blaine. Kurt sat there for 5 minutes until Sebastian walked in.
     "Hope I didn't leave you here waiting too long." Sebastian said with his signature smirk. "I have lacrosse practice at 5:00 so we have about 2 hours to practice which is plenty of time."
     "Okay yeah that sounds good in free all day today anyway so that works fine" replied Kurt
     "What song should we sing" questioned Sebastian. Kurt sad down at the piano towards the right side of the stage.
     "I don't know much piano" Kurt said. "But my mother taught me a bit when I was little and I learned a few songs since then"
     Kurt then started to play P!nks "Just give me a reason" Kurt opened up his mouth and began to sing.
  "Right from the start
  You were a thief, you stole my heart
  And I your willing victim
  I let you see the parts of me, that weren't all that     pretty
  And with every touch you fixed them
  Now you've been talking in your sleep oh oh
  Things you never say to me oh oh
  Tell me that you've had enough
  Of our love, our love"
  Sebastian stared at Kurt in awe. Kurt didn't notice as he began to sing the chorus, but Sebastian didn't even hear he was so mesmerized by Kurt's looks and voice that he said "Kurt, I don't need to hear anymore that is the song we will sing together when we audition"
  Kurt thought to himself about Sebastian's proposal and simply stated, in the words of Rachel Barbra Berry "I'm sorry Sebastian, it doesn't work that way. When you look at the sky at night what do you see?"
   Sebastian responded with "um, stars." That was he same response Kurt had. Sebastian was clearly a little taken back by Kurt's reply.
   "Exactly. Some shine brighter than others, but they all shine on their own. I enjoyed singing with you today and I look forward to doing it again" Kurt now started to exit the stage. "But when it comes to auditions it's every man for himself in the stage. Eat or be eaten." Kurt walked down the steps of the stage and stood by the door. He turned around and said "this is show choir."
    Sebastian wasn't hurt by Kurt's response. He actually thought that it was quite adorable and that Kurt could be playing hard to get. That's when he heard the auditorium door open again. Sebastian looked up to see who it was. It was Kurt.
   "I'm sorry that was the exact words one of my friends told me when I auditioned for show choir. I do think we should sign together because then we just have a better chance" Kurt said all of this walking up to the stage and then sat next to Sebastian on the edge of the stage. Sebastian looked into Kurt's eyes and both teens slowly started to lean into each other for a kiss. Sebastian was a great kisser in Kurt's defense so Kurt kissed back. That's when Sebastian attempted to put his tongue into Kurt's mouth. Kurt did not want to make out with Sebastian so Kurt pulled away.
     "Maybe we should take things slow until we both are Warblers" Kurt said
      "Well when we are Warblers we both will be going for Blaine Anderson so I don't really see the point in that" Sebastian replied.
     "Um. W-wh-what?!?. I don't have feelings like that for Blaine Anderson."Said Kurt.
    "I do though and I know myself Kurt. If I'm not into a committed relationship I won't be into you. Unless we were in a committed relationship, which I don't see happening." Said Sebastian.
    "So were you being nice to me to get into my pants because I'm not that type of guy." Kurt said.
    "No. Absolutely not Kurt. I do actually have some type of a feeling for you, but I know that you are into Blaine. I saw you checking out his ass after 6th period.  I'm not blaming you either but when my crush on Blaine was huge, not as big as it is now, I only wanted him"
    Kurt had no response. Kurt didn't know if he had feeling for Sebastian. Sure Sebastian was a bit snarky and rude, but he never even talked to Blaine so Kurt looked at Sebastian and kissed him. Kurt wanted to see if he felt some sort of a spark with Sebastian so he kept kissing him and let him slide his tongue into his mouth as did Kurt. Kurt lied on top of Sebastian kissing him for about 10 minutes. Then he pulled away.
    "Woah" said Sebastian. Sebastian leaned into Kurt, but Kurt didn't really feel anything with Sebastian deep inside that he felt with Blaine just looking at Blaine.
   "I should get home and you need to get to practice I'll see you tomorrow." Said Kurt and with that Kurt left the auditorium to go find his car. Then he remembered hat his dad dropped him off so he looked at the time it was 4:25. Kurt texted his father and told him to get him. Kurt ran back into the auditorium to see if Sebastian was still in there Sebastian was just leaving.
    "Change your mind on that kiss?" Asked Sebastian.
    "Yeah" replied Kurt.
    What did Kurt have to lose. He thought that maybe he needed to let loose so more people would like him and making out with Sebastian seemed like a thing to do. 5 minutes later Sebastian had to go to get into his gear and speak with his coach so he went to practice early. Kurt didn't say bye he thought it was a bit less formal that way and he liked it. When Sebastian was walking out Blaine walked in.
   Blaine smiled at Sebastian and walked in. Blaine saw Kurt and yelled out "oh sorry if you are practicing I can go somewhere else"
   "No it's fine I've been in here for a while you can practice." Replied Kurt. Kurt was dying on the inside. This was his first conversation with hopefully his future husband. Kurt almost felt like he was meeting a celebrity.
  "Wait stay. I need some feed back. You're the new kid, right. I'm Blaine Anderson." Said Blaine.
  "Kurt Hummel" replied Kurt.
   "Can you sing?" Asked Blaine.
   "I sing but I don't think I'm any good" Kurt replied. He was lying. Kurt thought that he was amazing but didn't want to seem full of himself the first time ever talking to Blaine.
   "Would you like to sing with me?" Asked Blaine
    "I would love to sing with you! If I'm not any good though tell me and I'll stop" Kurt said laughing
     "I'm sure you will be amazing" Blaine replied with a loving smile. Blaine started to play the beginning notes of "Candles" by "Hey Monday." Kurt loved that song very much and so did Blaine. Kurt assumed he would start and so did Blaine. So the 2 teens sang "Candles" and then looked at each other.
     "I guess I was alright considering you didn't stop me." Kurt said.
      Blaine looked at Kurt. "Kurt you were amazing I would never stop your signing." Said Blaine. Kurt's heart skipped a few beats. He was amazed that the love of his lifetime liked his voice and actually complemented it. Most people say that Kurt has too much of a girly voice because he sings so high, but Blaine didn't think that Blaine loved Kurt's voice.
     Blaine walked over to wear Kurt was standing and said to him "You should think about joining he Warblers. We are like a choir group. Like a glee club."
    "Yeah I would love to. When are auditions?" Kurt pretended that he didn't know when auditions were so he had an excuse to talk to Blaine some more.
   "Technically auditions are this Thursday, but the chair and myself make the decisions in who gets in. I want you in Kurt. So if you are willing to join you are in we have practice everyday right after school."
   "Are you sure the other Warblers would be okay with me joining without an audition?" Kurt asked.
    "Of course with a voice like that you are definitely in" Blaine said
"Thank you so much it means a lot to me to be accepted I used to be in my schools glee cl-"
Blaine cut Kurt off by kissing him. The passion built up between Kurt and Blaine and the kiss meant the world to both Blaine and Kurt. This time when they pulled their lips apart Kurt was the one saying woah.
"I think you are very, very sexy Kurt" Blaine whispered into Kurt's ear.
"I think the same about you" Kurt said to Blaine.
"My phone number is 419-349-7732. Give it a call sometime and maybe we could go on a date." Blaine said.
"I would love to go on a date sometime! But just to make sure you aren't just trying to get into my pants, right?" Kurt questioned Blaine hoping that Blaine was looking for more than a hookup buddy.
"Of course not! I've never even done it with anyone. I've only ever even dated 1 guy before and it was for 3 months and I didn't put out. Trust me I'm not looking for sex." Said Blaine.
This made Kurt feel very comfortable, but he was also worried that Blaine would never put out which essentially good because when Kurt was ready for sex he was hoping that it would be with Blaine.
Then Kurt's phone buzzed and it was Burt saying he was ready to get Kurt.
"Hey my ride is here but I will text you tonight and maybe we can hang out tomorrow?" Kurt asked.
"Sure that would be great but I need to ask you something really quick before you go." Blaine said
Kurt nodded his head waiting for a response from Blaine. Blaine hesitated then said to Kurt:
"I saw that Sebastian was in here and I don't know if you two are together or messing around or whatever, but Sebastian sleeps around. A lot! I don't want you to think I'm lecturing you about your life considering we just met, but Sebastian isn't the best person ever to be around and I don't want you getting hurt."
"I will admit Sebastian kissed me and I kissed him back because I didn't want to be rude. He was helping me become a Warbler and was really sweet and took me in, he's my only friend here at Dalton." Kurt said
"Well he's nice to all the new kids to get with them. Also now you have the Warblers as friends, and me. You also are a Warbler now so I think that maybe Sebastian doesn't have to be your best friend that you pretend to love anymore. I'm not judging you I'm just worried." Said Blaine.
"I know where you are coming from, but until he tried anything with me, I'm going to stay his friend." Kurt replied. With that Blaine gave a quick kiss to Kurt's cheek and Kurt got into his car and went home.
I hope you guys enjoyed that chapter new update that's larger will be coming soon. If you are wondering these first 2 are around 2000 words and they will be going to 5000 very shortly 💕

KLAINE: A Love To Last Forever... hopefully (not finished yet)Where stories live. Discover now