Everythings Coming Up Kurt

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Kurt still felt like he couldn't breath after Blaine had said that he would change him being single and a virgin. Kurt honestly felt so nervous he was going to puke. Sure Kurt wanted to be in a relationship with Blaine but this was different. Sex is a commitment that he wasn't sure he was ready for.
             Blaine thought to himself, why am I so stupid. I'm not sexy I probably scared Kurt. I'm not ready for sex yet what makes you think he's ready Blaine seriously you messed it up. Or maybe Kurt thought I was sexy being so forward. Oh well it's too late now. Blaine was seriously going insane over what he said.
             Kurt decided to shrug it off and just get through the rest of the day. Switching to his last class Kurt got a text from Sebastian saying:
What the heck. I thought you were different and wouldn't go stealing the man of my dreams that you know I've loved for a long time. I trusted you with that information and you go and fuck him. You know what this isn't fair. Meet me after school we need to talk. I won't hurt you I promise we just need to talk.-Sebastian S.
            Kurt texted back an "ok." He decided that he would go and have Blaine wait right outside so he knew he would be safe. So Kurt texted Blaine the plan and Blaine said that it was a good idea. Kurt was completely distracted with the Sebastian thing that he forgot all about what Blaine had said earlier.
              At the end of the day Kurt met Blaine at his locker and they walked the back hallway to the auditorium that way Sebastian wouldn't see that Blaine was there too. Blaine held Kurt's hands and looked into his eyes.
             "Listen no matter what happens text me anything at all just a letter and I'll come in and get you and we'll be fine alright?" Blaine said to Kurt sweetly.  Kurt nodded.
             "Also don't let him kiss you alright. I know we aren't dating, but I feel like we might be in that awkward stage where we can't go with other people but we aren't dating you know?" Blaine nervously chuckled out.
           "I won't remember anything having to do with kissing Sebastian is all BB." Kurt teased.
           "BB? Care to explain what BB is you two?" Sebastian said. Sebastian had listened to their entire conversation from around the corner.
           "What do you want Sean?" Blaine said. Blaine knew his name was Sebastian, but he also knew this would agitate him.
           "It's Sebastian. And I'm supposed to talk to Kurt so if you could leave I can make it quick here if you two don't have enough time for us to move to the auditorium." Sebastian replied rudely.
           "Or I could listen from around the corner like you did and listen to personal conversations." Blaine responded.
           "You know what you can stay right here and watch." Sebastian replied. So Blaine stayed and waited for something to go wrong as he suspects.
           "Kurt listen I told you that me and you could be serious but if we weren't once I'm a Warbler I get Blaine. You became a Warbler and took Blaine you just wanted to do what I was going to. This doesn't bug me Blaine is a very attractive man and if you get him I'm happy for you, but I'm not going to stop trying to get him. Me and Blaine are endgame." Said Sebastian very calmly. Sebastian then pressed his lips us against Kurt's. Kurt pushed Sebastian off he minute Sebastian's lips touched Kurt's.
             "What the hell is wrong with you Sebastian. I got the boy and you didn't and there isn't anything wrong with it. None of the other boys with crushes on Blaine are talking to me about it but you. Just you Sebastian. You are the only one with a problem with us being together. So you know what if you want Blaine that bad you can wait until I die because after I die Blaine will be free. But until then me and Blaine are dating we are a couple and you can't break us up. Ever Sebastian. EVER!" Kurt yelled.
            With that Sebastian walked away.
             "You mean that? We're dating." Blaine asked hopefully.
            "Blaine I want to be your boyfriend I want to be exclusive I want us to be us forever. Will you be my boyfriend?" Kurt asked.
            "Of course I will Kurt. The way that you said to Sebastian just shows me that you care enough about me to stay with me for a long time and love me  and no one, not even that rotten Sebastian can come between us." Blaine replied.
          "No one will ever ever ever split us because we met for a reason." Kurt said.
           That's when Blaine put his arms around Kurt for a long embrace. When Kurt started to pull a little apart Blaine looked into Kurt's eyes and Kurt did the same with Blaine. Blaine slowly leaned in and kissed Kurt. They kissed for a long time just sweetly and it was everything that Kurt had ever wanted in a boyfriend.
          "You know that's our first kiss as boyfriends right?" Blaine teased.
           "I'll never forget it." Kurt replied.
          "Are you ready to go catch that movie I think we can make it just in time." Blaine asked.
         " I don't want to go to the movie I want to go to your place" Kurt said seductively.
         "Let's go." Blaine responded right in Kurt's ear.
         Blaine grabbed Kurt's hand and they ran down the Dalton hallway and out the front door. They got into Blaine's car and sped out of the Dalton parking lot.
         "Kurt, just to be clear this isn't going to involve us. Well you know." Blaine stuttered out.
         "I don't think we're ready to do that but after that whole Sebastian thing I don't want to see a movie I just want to relax and be with you" Kurt replied.
        "I agree with you on that one" Blaine laughed.
        Blaine kept one hand on the wheel and the intertwined his fingers with Kurt's with the other hand. Kurt then remembered that he was supposed to text his dad once he got to the movie so Kurt sent him a text saying they got to the movie so Burt wouldn't know he was at Blaine's. If Burt knew he would hunk they were having sex and Kurt didn't want him to think that.  So they drove the rest of the way to Blaine's holding hands and deciding on a movie to watch at Blaine's. Blaine was going to be home alone with Kurt because his parents were split at the moment considering his father being verbally abusive towards Blaine for being gay. So Blaine's mother, Pam Anderson, was working all day.
           When Kurt and Blaine got into the house they went straight upstairs and into Blaine's bedroom. Blaine had a tv across from his bed so they were going to watch a movie in there.
           "I'm changing into pajamas because this Dalton uniform can get uncomfortable" said Blaine teasing. "Do you want to borrow anything because I don't think you want to stay in a suit." Asked Blaine.
           "Yes. What do you have that's extremely comfortable and not completely ugly." Asked Kurt.
             " I'll let you know I have a great sense of style. You've just never seen me without a Dalton uniform on." Blaine joked.
              "True but then again how do you know how i dress Blaine Warbler?" Kurt teased.
               "I know you like designer clothes because you texted me last night multiple times about your new outfit and how the top goes with all skinny jeans." Blaine responded. Kurt giggled. "Here are a pear of gray joggers and a loose black t-shirt"
               "It's not the most flattering but it seems comfortable" replied Kurt with a bit of relief that it wasn't horrible.
               "I'll go change in the bathroom so you can have some privacy" Blaine said.
               "Alright" Kurt responded. Kurt really wanted to say to stay but he knew that even though they had intense chemistry they were not ready to be intement. So Kurt changed into the clothes that Blaine gave him and plopped down onto Blaine's bed.
"You look sexy" Blaine said walking out of the bathroom and setting next to Kurt on the bed.
"So do you" Kurt said flirtatiously. Kurt's heart was pounding so fast he couldn't believe that Blaine Anderson was sitting next to him calling him sexy. It was a dream come true.
"So let's watch a movie. Which one did we settle on again?" Blaine asked
"Funny girl. Rachel Berry, one of my friends from my old school, she loves it and now I kind of love it too." Kurt laughed out.
"I need to meet this Rachel Berry sometime she has remarkable taste. But not as good as my amazing boyfriend's" said Blaine looking into Kurt's eyes. Then Blaine started to lean in to kiss Kurt. Kurt leaned in and broke the space between the two.
                 Kurt and Blaine. Klaine. A love that could never be broken.
                  "Ring ring.Ring Ring." Blaine's phone started to ring.
                  "Hello?" Blaine answered the phone.
                   "We need to talk Anderson."
Hey guys!! Sorry for the cliffhanger and the wait and that it's short I just have some writers block. Anyway next week I should be posting again. Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow. Also follow me on instagram @glee.fan.edits 😘😘

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