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After seeing Calum in the coffee shop on Saturday, Luke found himself blushing every time he caught eye contact with the boy on Monday at school. Originally, Luke had planned to avoid Calum, but that was proving difficult when he was everywhere Luke went.

Luke felt a mixture of awkward and flattered when he saw Calum sitting in the corner of the shop, his coursework surrounding him on the desk and Luke felt surprisingly proud of him when he could see him working hard. What Luke didn't see was all the sly glances that Calum stole at Luke while he worked.

Luke felt even more flattered when Lana had told him that Calum had been there every single day, and every single day he would always crane his head when the barista turned away to look for Luke.

This was also why Luke felt so awkward every time he saw Calum on Monday. The whole thing made Luke feel very weird. He didn't know whether Calum was really interested or if he was just messing about with him. Either way, Luke could feel his opinion on Calum changing, especially since he saw him working so hard in the cafe.

The way that Luke was starting to feel about Calum felt very similar to fireworks exploding in his tummy every time he looked into the other boy's eyes. Luke couldn't differ between the feeling of anxiety twisting his stomach into knots and the feelings he was having for the older boy. Slowly but surely, Luke could feel himself coming out of his shell around Calum - and it wasn't unwelcome to the typically shy boy.

Sitting in the warm library at 4pm on a Tuesday afternoon, Luke was struggling to concentrate on the work that he was there for in the first place as Calum flicked through an ancient, dusty book that he had pulled from one of the shelves at the back of the library, his pencil balanced between his teeth.

"So why don't we look online for media from like 1960 or something and analyse the language?" Luke said.

"Why don't we look online for porn?" Calum said, propping his head up on his hand as he leaned towards Luke.

Luke blushed, a dark red stain flowering against his neck and cheeks. "Why would we do that?" He said, trying his hardest not to stutter.

"Fun?" Calum shrugged.

"What's fun about that?" Luke muttered, flicking another page in the textbook without even reading it.

"Wait, don't you ever watch it?" Calum questioned, his features forming an expression halfway between intrigued and confused.

"No!" Luke defended quickly, self-consciously wrapping his arms around his slight frame. "Why, do you?" He asked, horrified.

"Yes! Obviously!" Calum said loudly, receiving a harsh "Shh!" from the librarian.

Luke didn't know what to think, his expression close to laughing at the ridiculous conversation they were having but his mind was only thinking about Calum watching porn.

"Ew! Lalalala." Luke said childishly, his pale hands coming up to cover his ears and he closed his eyes.

Two seconds later Luke felt his hands pulled away from his ears and he opened his eyes slowly to find Calum close to his face, laughing at Luke's reaction.

Luke found himself laughing with Calum, and they leaned closer together, giggling uncontrollably. As their giggles trailed off, Calum's dark eyes drifted down Luke's neck to where the soft skin touches his hoodie. Luke felt his breath hitch in his throat.

Calum's eyes trailed shamelessly across Luke's body. He was so fucking fit Calum wanted to throw him against a wall and fuck him senseless until he was begging for more, legs spread wide open, calling him back-

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