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Arriving at Ashton's house, Calum was surprised to find it even more hectic than before, and as soon as he walked through the door with Luke in tow, the little girl who had previously attached herself to Calum was trailing behind him, a doll clutched in her tiny fingers. Children of all ages dashed around the house, two little boys sat on the floor playing with dinosaurs and cars while a young girl of about 14 years old sat at the kitchen table, books spread out around her and a pencil rolling between her fingers.

Calum was relieved to be leaving Luke in such a busy place, as he was sure that the boy would never feel lonely with so many people around him, and it would make a change from the conditions he had been living in before.

Thankfully, Luke's dad hadn't noticed he was gone, and neither boy had heard sight nor sound of the man since he left. Calum carried Luke's duffel bag over his shoulder and into the house before setting it down on a chair in the corner. Ashton followed closely behind them, a little boy of around 7 years old already telling him all about his day at school.

"Welcome to my world!" Ashton said happily, pulling open the fridge and grabbing a juice box before handing it to the little boy by his side. "Have you got any homework to do, Dan?" He said, and the little boy scurried off to the other room.

"You have so many siblings." Luke said, looking around the house and into the other room where the french doors separating the rooms were propped open.

Ashton laughed, and grabbed Luke's duffel. "Come on, I'll show you around."

After a short tour of the house, Ashton pushed open a door into his room. Although messy, it was obvious that it belonged to him as he threw his bag down on one of the beds in the room before flopping down on the other. "That one's your bed." Ashton said, gesturing to the bed underneath the window.

Luke nodded, sitting down gently and looking around the room, he felt safe.

"So... you and Calum..." Ashton smiled as Luke blushed and opened his mouth to make some excuse. He held up a hand. "You don't need to explain it to me, I think it's cute."

A small smile traced Luke's face. "Thanks. I don't really know what it is. I like him, a lot and he likes me too I think. We kiss, and cuddle and stuff but we aren't actually boyfriends."

"Yeah I heard about you kissing at that party." Ashton grinned, and Luke swallowed thickly as memories from that night bubbled to the forefront of his mind.

"Yeah." Luke laughed, and he unzipped the duffel bag and pulled out his polaroid camera, balancing it on the bedside table. "So... you and Miss Garcia?"

Ashton was then the one to blush, the pink heat rising from his chest as he thought back to the other night with his lover. He thought about how he pushed her against the wall, ripping her shirt off, the buttons clacking against the floor as they fell and he grabbed at her skin.

"She's uh-" Ashton coughed. "She's good."

"Is it good?" Luke asked hesitantly.

"Yeah! She really cares about me. She says I can't tell anyone because it would put our relationship in jeopardy and she wants to keep seeing me."

Luke frowned. "Be careful Ash, 'cause it sounds like she just cares about herself."

Ashton nodded, and he felt a knot of doubt in his chest.


Calum threw himself onto his bed, kneading at his eyes with his knuckles as he yawned. Having spent all day with Luke, he assumed he would want to be alone for a while and have some time to himself but nowadays he found himself wanting to be alone less and less.

He wanted nothing more than Luke to be here with him now, cross legged on his bed with his sleeves pulled over his hands, patiently etching away in his sketchbook while Calum played fifa next to him.

Calum missed Luke, and he found himself reaching across his bed to grasp for his phone on his bedside table and sent a text to the one person he wanted to talk to most.

Hey x

He waited then, throwing his phone onto the sheets behind him as he lay there. He didn't really know what to do with himself so he flicked on his xbox, starting up a game when his phone buzzed with a text.

Faster than ever before, Calum chucked the remote down onto the bed and grabbed his phone, opening the text excitedly.

Hey you x

A wide grin spread across Calum's face, and he found his cheeks grow red as he realised that he probably looked like a weirdo sitting in his room and grinning uncontrollably at his phone.

Get a grip Cal, Calum thought to himself. He forced himself to type out a calm reply.

Wuu2? x

The boy wanted to ask Luke to come over so badly, but he also wanted the blond boy to settle into his new home well on his first night.

Nothing much, Ashton's mum made us dinner and we're having it in front of the telly, u? x

The small kisses at the ends of the texts were making Calum's heart warm and his dick hard. He'd waited so long for Luke in that way, and he would wait a while longer before giving up what they had, but his right hand was becoming tired from all the late nights.

What had started as a chase with one end goal had become something so much more and Calum was in far deeper with Luke than he had been with anyone before. He had had a million and one conquests before, and a million and one girls willing to be the special one for him, but in the end it turned out to be Luke who got Calum wanting to actually have a boyfriend.

It was an unfamiliar but not unwelcome feeling to the brown haired boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2017 ⏰

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