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Luke woke up with a banging headache, and the moment he tried to roll over and stand up, the feeling that he was about to throw up everything in his stomach rose into his mouth uncomfortably.

He sat up as quickly as possible, which wasn't very fast at all. With a sudden rush of embarrassment and shock, he realised he wasn't lying in his own hole-y mattress, but he was sticking in all sorts of uncomfortable places to a black leather couch and instead of his usual stained sheets covering him, he was lying beneath a soft blanket.

He recognised the place he had slept in as Calum's front room, and at a quick glance at the apparently cracked screen of his flip phone, he realised that it was a lot later than he had thought when the time flashed up on the dim screen as 10:43am.

Luke brushed a finger along the thin crack that spidered across the screen. He had absolutely no recollection of this happening, and the last he remembered from the night before was doing a shot with Calum.

With a groan, the boy flopped backwards onto the sofa again.

"Morning sleeping beauty. What's wrong with your hair?" Calum laughed as he looked upon the spectacular bed hair lying flat against Luke's sweaty forehead.

"What's wrong with your face?" Luke quipped back, lying his arm over his eyes.

"How's your head?" Luke heard a voice travel from the other side of the room.

"Fucked." Luke mumbled into the crook of his elbow where it was laid across his forehead.

"Thought it might be." Calum said, coming to sit by the hungover boy in the space between his propped up legs. The darker haired boy handed Luke a plate piled high with cooked breakfast. Eggs, sausage, bacon, tomatoes, fried potatoes, beans and even a heavily buttered piece of toast. "I wasn't sure if you were hungry but even if you aren't you should eat it anyway. You look as if you haven't eaten in days."

Luke took the plate from Calum, ignoring how close the boy had hit the nail on the head. "Thank you, but you didn't have to." Luke almost apologised, but he feared that Calum would take the food away from him, and the smell of bacon was far too tempting for Luke to risk losing it.

"Oh I didn't make it. Mum did." Calum said, tucking into his own food ravenously, seemingly free from a hangover.

"Your mum's here?" Luke cringed internally, the thought of Mrs Hood coming into the living room for a relaxing morning and finding a scruffy Luke sprawled across her sofa was more embarrassing than Luke even wanted to think about.

"Yeah, don't worry though. She's seen me hungover a million times, it's fine." Calum said between quick mouthfuls, gesturing for Luke to start eating with a wave of his fork.

"How aren't you hungover now?" Luke said, slowly sitting up properly to balance the plate on his knee.

"I sobered up pretty quickly last night, had to look after you. After I found you-"

"Found me?" Luke said, suddenly horrified at the amount he couldn't remember from the night before. "Where?"

"Don't you remember?" Calum asked, furrowing his eyebrows slightly. He wasn't sure if he even wanted Luke to know what happened last night. Perhaps it would be better if the boy remained blissfully unaware for as long as possible. "Yeah... uh I found you in the bedroom. You were just sitting on the bed, not too sure what you were doing." Calum laughed nervously, leaving out the part where he found Luke in the bedroom, lying limp underneath a broad-shouldered, drunk guy who Calum didn't recognise before he pulled him off the blond boy, who thankfully was still fully clothed.

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