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One year passed and Scarlet was back to her real self .... She was living happily with Jellal . They are now in the same college with Jellal as her senior .... She did miss 1 year of her schooling . But it didn't matter to her . As long as she got to study in the same college as Jellal ... but one thing remain unchanged that is her love for Raven ... She hope that one day they will meet each other . But she didn't know how to react if they actually did meet . But it was too late , she got a scholarship along with Jellal to study abroad ... It may or may not be her last time in Japan ... She decided move on ... She thought that maybe Raven have already moved on .

Raven on the other hand was also studying in a very good college . Difference is that I'm not in the same college as him . I decided that it was best if I let go . I'm happy with what I have now and hoping to start over . Hoping to meet Lyon as well as others again . We all got separated ... Raven was still searching for scarlet ... Hoping to find her . I was also secretly searching for her .... Hoping that if they got together I will confessed my sins and begged for forgiveness ... That's the only thing I can do ....

And one day gray actually did find her ....

He received a note .... Which contain the information he always wanted .... Tears started streaming down his eyes when he read it's contains .

Raven ,

If you really want to know where scarlet is ... Then luckily I saw her ... She lives in Kyoto ... Street no 13 ... Apartment no 106 . Don't stress out and I will be waiting for you thankyou old friend~

Oh I forgot to give you this video

(Video of his ass being kicked by the coach with scarlet on his side saving his sorry ass ... And at last of the tap there was Lyon smirking and laughing )

Sorry man couldn't help but to sent you ...!!

And don't you dare forget me again -_-

Go get your girl !!

Ly-kun ^_^

After reading the letter he unconsciously smiled " thank you Lyon " he whispered "and I'm sorry too " without wasting anytime he dashed out of his house to bring  scarlet back home . "Wait my dear apartment my love is coming back to her old house " he whisper

-----Time skip------ (6 hours of flight)

(A/n lol I noticed now I never did use "Time skip " -_- )

He ran and ran .... He was finally going to meet his love ... He didn't notice that the street was too crowded he certainly bumped into a person "sorry " the person said trying to pick up her things  ... His heart was beating furiously , that voice ... "Scarlet??"  He whisper looking at her ... She also look up , shock to see her old lover , tears started to spill from her chocolatey brown eyes ... And she ran without a single thought ... 'why is he here ' she thought ... 'is it just a coincidence or he really came searching for me ' scarlet thought several questions running on her mind .

He started to run after her

"Wait!!!!!! " He ran towards her  ....

"Scarlet!! .... "  He grab her wrist and turn scarlet around .... 

"Why ? Why .... Why did you betray me Raven  "  scarlet asked ... She was crying and was hurt

"Erza that's not what you think .... We have been fool.... You know I would never do that " Raven  justified

"It is like I said back then but you never believe in me .... That time you never love me enough to trust me right ? " She question ....

"Scarlet I was so blinded by other words ... That I couldn't see the truth " Raven said looking guilty ....

"By others or her words ? " She counter back ....

Raven was lost .... He cannot say anything ... Part of it was true but part of it was false .... "I.... I... " He was lost of words .

"Stop ... Raven  don't force yourself in telling a lie ... To ease my pain .... I think it's over ... I'm going back to USA .... I'm sorry ... But thanks for the happy times. You have given me ... And I wish you happiness In the future " scarlet  said smiling and crying .... She didn't want to let go but .... If it was for his happiness , she is happy to let go .

Raven was heartbroken to hear the news .... He watch her walk away .... .... He did not want to let go of her ..... He .. want her to stay by his side forever and ever .... He don't want her to Walk away from his life ... He want to stop her and tell her that ... It was not true , he had only love her ... He took a deep breath and scream "scarlet !!!!!!!!!! Wait ...... I only love you " he said , scarlet stop , Raven quickly ran to her direction and hug her "please don't .... Don't leave me ... I will die .... I will die without you ... Please Scarlet .... I'm sorry ... You can give me any punishment accept for these .... Please don't " he was shaking and crying .... She never saw Raven crying for anyone in her life , he hold her close afriad of letting go ... Thinking he will lose her forever .

Raven  let go of her and look into her eyes "please don't leave me , stay by my side .... I know I may not have been the best boyfriend for you .... But all I want to say is that I love you ... And always had been loving you .... And forever " and kissed her .... Scarlet was also crying, she let him kiss her ... She also did not hold back they kiss each other with great passion .

As they were kissing Scarlet open her eyes and saw a speeding car coming towards them .... The diver was also shock ....

For some it was just an accident ...

But for some it was a heartbreaking moment ...

With lost and regret .

I do wish I can be with them now so that I can say how sorry I am. And how guilty I'm but I know one day I will face them and that time I will be strong enough to ask for forgiveness . And tell them that everyday I miss them and that I'm still breathing .

Precious Memories (GRAYZA)Where stories live. Discover now