Part 1

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Tony was in the hospital, the doctor's informed him about May's condition.

"Mr. Stark? " A little boy pulled his sleeve, "Where would I go now? " he asked innocently.

Tony sat down, with tears in his eyes, and hugged the boy, "You will live with me Peter, you are my son now" he said.

Peter smiled and hugged him tight.


Natasha reached Tony's house on an urgent call.

"What happened Tony? " she asked, confused.

Tony came with little Peter holding his hand.

"Natasha, we are in a situation " Tony said.

He explained everything to her, "I need to adopt him but they aren't giving me the custody without a mother, Pepper broke up with me, and I have no one to ask"

"Wait a minute, Tony? Are you asking me to co-parent this kid with you? " she asked, surprised.

"Yes, I am" he said.

Natasha looked at little Peter, who was scared and had swollen eyes, she sat down, and cupped his face, "Hey little one, can I be your mommy? " she asked.

He looked at Tony, then back at Nat, and then smiled, "Yes" he said, and hugged her.

Natasha felt a strange feeling, she felt so different, tears formed in her eyes, as she picked Peter in her arms.

"Congratulations Romanoff, you are now a mother" Tony said.

"Yes, yes I am" she said smiling.


(3 years later)

Peter was fast asleep, when the door of his room opened.

"Get up Peter, you are gonna be late for school" he heard a female voice.

"Mom? " he opened his eyes, and found Natasha Romanoff, his foster mother, standing there, dressed in her perfect leather pants and boots, with a leather overall.

"Mom!!! " he jumped out of the bed and hugged her, "When did you return from your mission, and how are you? You aren't hurt right? " he asked altogether.

"Take a breath sweetheart, I returned late at night, I am fine" she said giving him a kiss on the forehead.

"I missed you so much, I can't wait to be old enough to join you on the missions" he said excitedly.

"You won't be joining me, now hurry up, you need to go to school" she said.

"Okay, mom just be there when I return please, I want to sleep with my head on your lap tonight " he said making a puppy dog face.

"I will baby, I will" she said, "now go"

Natasha walked out, and found Tony on the breakfast table, she set down, and started applying some butter on a bread slice, setting the breakfast plate for Peter.

"He missed you so much" Tony said.

"I know, but don't worry I am free for a month now, its Clint's turn now" she said, pouring some juice for Peter.

"Great, I have a party tonight, be sure you attend it, Peter would love it" he said.

"Okay" she said. Peter came rushing, "Oh God I am gonna be so late" then his eyes fell on the all set plate, "Oh Mom! I love you so much" he said kissing her cheek.

"I love you too my baby, sit down and eat properly, I'll make sure you reach at time" she said.

"You are gonna drop me to school, cool!! " he said excitedly.

They had breakfast,and then Natasha hit the engine,with Peter.

"So Peter, any luck with your girlfriend?" she asked.

"Mom, you know I am such a failure at this" he said pulling a long face.

"This is shameful Peter, you are Tony Stark's son, he is the master playboy, and then you are my son too, where is the lacking ?" she asked, annoyed.

"I don't know mom, gosh, we are there, you are super fast mom, love you, thanks, see you in the evening, bye" he said quickly.

"Bye darling " she said, and drove off.

Peter sat in his class, there was still time since his teacher didn't come in. His friend took the seat beside him.

"My mom just returned from the mission " he said.

"Congrats bro, are you gonna try now? " his friend Josh asked.

"Yes, of course, they are both single at the moment, I am sure this time they will set right, tonight there is a party at my house, and I will make sure my parents spend all the time together, I want them to end up married, they look so perfect, see.. " he showed a picture of Tony and Natasha to his friend, that he kept as his phone wallpaper.

"Wow, yeah bro, hope you get what you are fighting for" his friend said.

"I will, I surely will" Peter said.


Natasha didn't go back to the Stark mansion, instead, she drove to Brooklyn, where she stopped in front of a small building.

"Nat!! " he said as he opened the door of his apartment.

"Steve! " she said, flowing her arms on him, and hugging him tight.

They got in and shared a long kiss, finally lying down cuddled in each other's embrace.

"Did you tell him? " Steve asked.

"No, not yet, we didn't have time, he was getting late for school, Stark's having a party tonight, we can tell him after that, together " she said.

"Okay, that seems right, I should be there with you when you tell him, he has to accept me after all" Steve said.

"He will accept you Steve, he loves you already, its just a little change in relationship " Natasha said.

"Its not a little change Nat, its a lot to take in for a kid, I just hope he accepts us" Steve said worried.

"He would, and then we have Tony, he would make him understand , Peter is a grown up responsible child, he would understand everything, I am sure" she said.

"I hope what you believe is what happens Nat, I love you" he said.

"I love you too" she said, and they kissed again, getting lost in each other.

Hey guys, how's the story? Poor Peter, he wants his parents to be together, but Natasha is in love with Steve. And Tony and Nat don't feel romantic for each other. What would happen now? Would Peter accept this? Do give your reviews

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