Part 3

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Natasha was getting ready for her wedding. She was wearing a beautiful white dress, and was yet to put the veil.

Peter entered her room, dressed in a suit.

"Peter? " Natasha smiled at him, "how do I look? " she asked.

"You always look beautiful mom" he said.

"Your dad is playing best man to my husband so... can you walk me down the aisle? " she asked.

He nodded, Natasha knew he was upset, but she couldn't do anything.

"Peter, I love you, I always will, no one can separate us, please don't be sad, Steve loves you too" she said cupping his face.

"I'm fine mom, please don't ruin your big day for me" he said, taking the veil and putting it on her head, "I love you mom" he kissed her cheek.

"I love you more" she said.

He held his arm out for her to take, and she did.


"She looks so beautiful " Steve said, as Natasha walked in with Peter.

"Yeah, she always does" Tony said, "You better keep her smiling like that always Cap, she deserves all the happiness".

Steve nodded. Natasha came closer, and Steve held his hand out, she gave him her hand, and stepped up. Peter went to stand by Tony.

"Come on smile, its your mom's big day" Tony said to Peter.

Peter smiled, he wanted to be happy, but it didn't go well with him.

Natasha and Steve took the vows and then kissed. Everyone clapped, and then Tony raised a toast.

Natasha and Steve started dancing, and the other joined them.

Natasha looked at Peter, and then came to him, with a smile.

"Care to dance with me? " she asked.

"Of course mom" he said with a smile.

"You are okay? " she asked.

"Yes, I am" he replied.

" Tony has arranged for us to stay with you, at the facility" she told him with a smile.

"It doesn't matter mom, if you had.. its okay.. I love you " he said

"I love you more" she said.

Tony and Steve came to them, "Peter, Cap wants to have a word with you, while I dance with the gorgeous bride " Tony said.

Peter nodded, Natasha took Tony's hand and they went for a dance.

Steve put his arm around Peter's shoulder and they walked towards the seats.

"I know its hard on you" Steve began, as they sat down, Peter was staring at Natasha and Tony dancing and smiling, they were meant to be, in his eyes.

"Look Cap! With all respect, I really don't wanna talk to you, about this. You are our Captain, I will always respect you as that, but.. this.. I am sorry.. I already have a dad" Peter said rudely.

"Peter I.. I know.. I.. I just wanted to say thank you" Steve said.

"For? " Peter asked.

"For being there for her.. she really loves you, she is so happy with you, she is so proud, I just wanted to say, thank you for being the brightness in her life" Steve said.

Peter felt ashamed, he was rude for no reason. It wasn't Steve's fault, it was his stars that always took it away.

"I am sorry Cap, I shouldn't have, I am really sorry" Peter said lowering his eyes, "Mom loves you.. you make her happy, that's what matters, I am sorry"

"Its okay pal" he said, giving Peter a side hug.

Steve went back to Natasha, and she smiled heavily when he touched her back.

Peter was relieved, when Tony smiled heavily too, he was happy for his friends, and Natasha was like his sister, he never had any other feelings for her, something Peter decided to cope with.

"Hey bro" Josh came to Peter.

"Hey" he replied.

"Your mother is so beautiful, they make such an adorable couple" he said.

"Yeah, they actually do mate, I guess I had hopes in the wrong direction " Peter said.

"Its okay, good thing is, you have two handsome dads now" Josh teased, "Anyways, what did you gift her? "

"Gift? Oh my God! Josh! I didn't buy anything, oh God! Mom would be so sad" Peter panicked, "I'll go now".

He was hurrying out, when a hand stopped him.

"Where are you going young man? " Tony asked.

"Dad, I.. I forgot to buy a gift" he replied worried.

"Don't worry, I did on your behalf, Natasha would surely love it" Tony said.

"But it was supposed to be from me, I am such a disappointing son" he said lowering his face.

"No, you aren't, that gift is from you, I just.. you'll see" Tony said.

Suddenly there was an announcement, by Friday.

"Dear Bride, Peter Parker has something to give you" she said.

Natasha looked at Peter curiously with a smile.
Peter smiled nervously, not knowing what it was himself.

A screen was displayed, and some pictures were shown in a slideshow, pictures of Natasha and Peter, or just hers, some of her and Tony or other avengers, pictures that Peter took mostly without her knowledge.

"She is pretty, she is cute
she helps me when I go mute.
She makes me smile when things go wrong.
She gives me time even when there's somewhere else she belongs.
She takes care of me, she loves me
She is my dearest mom. " Tony read the poem that Peter wrote sometime back.

"Oh baby" Natasha hugged Peter tight, "Thank you, this is the best gift ever" she said.

"Really? " He asked.

"Of course" she said with tears in her eyes, "Thank you"

Peter hugged her back, and shed tears of joy, his mother was always his, no matter whom she got married to.

"I love you mom" he said again.

" I love you more" she replied.

I am so in love with Peter, especially after watching Spiderman homecoming. He is such a sweetheart and needs to be protected. And dad Tony is such a treat, I really wish Natasha gets to be in his second or third movie and play mom. How was the chapter? Give reviews

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