Part 2

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Peter returned home excited, he found Tony in the living room.

"Dad? Where's mom? " he asked.

"She didn't return after dropping you, probably shopping, she has to look perfect for the party" he replied, licking on his spoon.

Peter smiled, "I'll be in my room dad, preparing for the party after homework".

"Yeah okay" Tony said.

Peter rushed into his room and video called his friend, "I am sure dad is gonna propose her, she is busy shopping, I think they would surprise me".

"I hope that is the case mate" Josh replied.

"They are the perfect couple, he is so handsome, she is so beautiful, he is a genius, she is so clever, they are both so sarcastic, oh God, I am so excited, Mr and Mrs.  Stark, OMG" Peter said excited, "anyways let's finish our crappy homework, see you tonight".

He started doing his homework, and then showered, getting ready for the party.

He put his tux on, and was struggling with his bow tie when the door of his room opened, and Natasha entered. She was wearing a dark blue dress, off shoulder, with beads, her hair tied in a bun, with few strands on her face.

"Mom! " Peter turned to face her, with a huge smile on his face.

"Look at you, aren't you a handsome young man, just like your dad" she said patting his cheek. He blushed.

"Aww, struggling with the tie, let me do it for you" she said, and put his tie on.

"Peter are you..? " Tony entered the room, his jaw dropped, "gosh Nat, you look so gorgeous " he said.

Peter's heartbeat raced, and Natasha smiled, "well, thank you, Tony" she said, "you look stunning too" she said.

"As always, nothing new" he said, putting his arm around her shoulder, "and would you look at that, is he our little Peter? "

"I am grown dad" Peter said.

"Tony! Stop teasing him" Natasha said.

"Come on, all the guests are here, we need to go" Tony said.

"Come Peter" Natasha said.

They were about to exit the room, but Peter stopped them, "Wait a sec mom, dad"

"What happened? " they both asked.

Peter took Tony's arm, and slid Natasha's under his, "Perfect" he said.

They both looked at each other, and smiled, then walked out.

"Ladies and Gentleman, please raise a toast for Mr and Mrs. Stark" Peter whispered to himself.

He walked behind them, smiling. Tony took Natasha to the dance floor, after meeting some people, and they started dancing.

Josh found Peter, "Your parents are getting together after all" he said.

"Yes, I think he would propose her tonight " Peter said.

Natasha was smiling and Tony was laughing, they looked happy and perfect. Peter couldn't be happier.

Then, after a while, Steve walked to them, and held his hand out, Peter couldn't hear what they were talking about. Tony pulled Natasha closer, and she laughed, giving him a kiss on the cheek, Steve pulled a long face, and Tony let go off Natasha, she was still laughing, as Tony punched Steve on the shoulder, and then Natasha slid her arm under Steve's and joined him for the dance.

"Why is Cap doing this? " Peter said annoyed .

"Your dad should be jealous, but.. he isn't " Josh said.

"What is dad doing??? " Peter stomped on his feet.

Natasha was blushing heavily as Steve looked at her, he traced her face gently, and put a finger under her chin, whispering something in her ear, that made her blush so bad.

"I have to knock some sense into my dad's head" Peter said, and walked to Tony.

"Dad, don't you think Cap is flirting a lot with mom" he said, bitterly.

"Yup, he is, Peter, I have to make an important announcement " he said.

Finally, Peter thought.

Tony walked to Steve and Natasha, and took them to stage.

"Our dear Captain, has something to say, Captain, if you will" Tony said, and stepped away.

Steve sat down on one knee, " Natasha Romanoff, will you marry me? " he asked, holding his hand out.

Natasha blushed, "Yes" she said, giving him her hand, he put a ring on it, and getting up, pulled her close, and they both kissed, and everyone clapped.

"No!! " Peter yell, and everyone stopped, turning to stare at him.

He ran to the stage, and pulled Natasha away, "I won't let you take my mom away, she is my mother, I hate you Cap, I hate you" he yell.

"Peter!! " Natasha said, "Behave yourself, he is your dad"

"No!! He is not my dad, he is a traitor, he is stealing you from me, I hate him, you are my mom, you will stay with me here, with me and my dad, mom how could you? " Peter was crying heavily.

"No, baby, I.. I love you, I won't leave you, but.. I love him too.. he is... " she tried to explain, wiping his tears.

"No, no" he said and ran away crying.

Natasha tried to follow him, but Tony caught her wrist, and pulled her back, "I'll talk to him, you stay here" he said.

"Tony, it's my fault, I should have talked to him before.. I" but Tony silenced her with his finger.

"I'll talk to him, stay here with Cap" he said, "Cap, take care of her"

Steve nodded and hugged Natasha. While Tony walked to Peter's room.

Peter was on the bed, crying heavily.

"Hey young man, stop crying " he said sitting beside him.

"Dad, why didn't you? " he asked.

"Didn't what Peter? " Tony asked confused.

"Why didn't you propose her? She is my mom, you both should get married" Peter said.

"What? Peter!! Is that why you are crying? " Tony asked.

Peter nodded innocently.

"Peter! No! no! I cannot marry her, she is my friend, I don't.. we don't feel that way, she loves Steve, they have always been in love, she deserves him,and.. no Peter, I can never even think of it" Tony said.

"But dad.. you both look so perfect" he said.

"Yes, we do, because we are friends, more like siblings, silly, she.. she is different, we connect on other levels, don't do this to her, please, she deserves to be happy, she has been through a lot, don't do this to your mother, and don't worry, they'll live here, with us, go and accept him, for your mother, go Peter " Tony said.

Peter hugged him and sobbed, but finally got up and went to Natasha. The guests were gone, Natasha sat on the couch with Steve.

"Peter? " she said getting up.

"Mom, I'm sorry" he said, "Sorry Cap"

"Oh baby, its okay" she said hugging him, "so? You are okay with us right? " she asked.

He nodded, "Oh thank you Peter, I love you" she kissed his cheeks.

"I love you too mom" Peter replied.

Poor Peter. He wanted his parents together, but.. anyways how was the chapter? Do give your reviews.

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