Part 4

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Peter was adjusting to his new relations. Steve was a very good dad to him, though he did his best to distance himself. Peter wanted just Tony, and Natasha.

But he also wanted his mother to be happy, forever. And Steve was her happiness.

Things were smooth, until one day Natasha and Steve came to visit him, when Tony was out for some mission.

"Mom" Peter hugged her, swinging her off her feet, he had grown so strong, after the spider bit him.

"Careful baby" she said, "I am quite heavy"

He landed her back on her feet, "no you are not, you are feather light mom" he said.

She smiled, and kissed his cheeks. He hugged her tight, "I love you mom"

"I love you too baby" she said.

Steve stood at a side, giving them a moment, until Peter looked at him.

"Hey Cap" he waved.

"Hey" Steve said. He gave him the space he needed, you can never force a child to accept you, and in Peter's mind, he had stolen his mom from him.

"Peter.. We have news for you" Natasha said, blushing, exchanging looks with Steve.

"News? What news mom? " Peter asked confused.

Steve had argued with Natasha, to not reveal it till its the right time, but she was excited, she wanted to tell the one person she loved as much as she loved Steve.

"Peter, do you want siblings? " she asked excitedly.

"Siblings? What are you talking about mom? " Peter was confused and a little angry.

"I mean, Peter I.. I wanted to tell you.. I.. I am pregnant " she said, "you are going to have a sibling "

Peter was shocked, he never gave a thought to siblings before. He knew about Natasha's infertility.

"Mom, I.. I thought " he thought of asking, without sounding rude.

"Its a miracle sweety, your dad has the super serum, he healed me" she said with a huge wide smile.

He always corrected her when she called Steve his dad, but right now, she was too happy, he didn't want to ruin it.

He gave it a thought, had he known she could be cured, he would have wanted siblings, of course. A little sister to take care of and protect, or a little brother to tease and play with. He wouldn't mind it, he would actually be really happy. If only it was Tony and Natasha being the parents. His sibling would be his half sibling, if you ignore the blood link.

After a thought, he smiled, and hugged Nat, "oh mom" he said," I can't be happier"

Natasha smiled and kissed his cheek, "See, Steve I told you he'll be excited like me" she said.

Peter and Steve exchanged weird looks, both wanting Natasha to stay happy. They would be sharing another human now, not  just Natasha.


Tony entered Natasha's room in anger, when Steve wasn't home.

"What the hell? " she asked, keeping her book aside, "are you drunk Stark? "

"You are pregnant? " he asked.

"Yes" she replied, "so? "

"I thought you were infertile" he said rudely. 

"I thought the same until now" she replied sternly, "what do you want? "

"What about Peter? " he asked.

"What about him? He's ecstatic to have a sibling " she said.

Tony sat down, putting his hand on his head, "you should have married me" he said, "we should have been together "

Natasha looked at him confused, "Tony? I.. I thought you.. We are like siblings " she said

"Yes, we are Nat, we are, not judge me wrong I.. I played this wrong, we shouldn't have.. You are my sister.. Either I should have loved you in a different way or.. Or given Peter off to you and Rogers" he said.

Natasha put a hand on his shoulder, "we didn't ask for this Tony, please don't feel guilty or sad. Peter is happy"

"He would have been happier if we could be together, the sadness he felt when you got married. We messed with an innocent child's mind Nat. As if him being orphaned or loosing his aunt wasn't enough " Tony said in a heavy voice.

"Tony! " she cupped his face, "He has us, that's what matters. He has adjusted himself, you should do too. He is happy to have a sibling, even if he doesn't share the same father"

"Would you be able to love him the same? " Tony asked, "after you have your own child? "

"Of course. Peter would always remain my eldest son. He gave me the instinct of a mother. He was the who made me feel the woman inside me, the mother I never knew I could be. He melted the stone Tony. How can I love him any less then my biological children " Natasha assured him.

Tony sighed, he took her hand and kissed it, "You are always gonna be my sister" he said.

She smiled, "I know, dear brother" she said, "and we have also decided to name you the godfather of our child"

"Really? " he asked.

"Yes" she replied.

They both shared a hug, and then took a picture and send it to Peter, with the caption.

We love you.

Peter looked at it and smiled. He understood what their relation was, and what he was to them.

The next day when he met Steve, he stopped him, "Keep my mother always happy, second dad" he said.

Steve smiled and gave him a hug, "I will, dear son" they both smiled.

Everything was well and sorted.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2017 ⏰

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