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  When I woke up and saw a bright light and a monitor next to me. My stomach felt sore like had done a thousand crunches. I looked around the room and saw Cole sleeping in a chair next to me. I slightly smiled but I was still so confused. The last thing I remembered was seeing my hands covered in blood and that I was in so much pain. How I got to where ever I was is a mystery for me right now.

  I groaned in pain as I tried to sit up. Cole woke up and swiftly came by my side.

"Where...am I?" I asked as I grabbed onto my side because it hurt.

"After you were stabbed I picked you up and brought you to the doctors house. I thought I was gonna loose you Skylar." he said as he lightly grabbed my hand.

"I'm not gonna get taken down that easy Moretti. I'll go down with a fight." I said with a smirk.

I'm not surprised that my dad or family was here. Kind of glad though because they would be wondering why I was leaving Coles house so late.

The doctor came in and checked on me a few times throughout the day. Cole couldn't stay all day because he had stuff do to. I sat there all alone waiting for my family to show up. I had only been out for two days which is good considering the amount of blood I loss. Apparently my dad has been busy with the stuff in Italy. He had to stay longer and thats why he wasn't here.

Most people put family first but not my dad. The mafia will always come first from him, I understand that the mafia is like his family but he has a real family that waits for him to be home.

It was midnight I sat layed there restlessly . When I heard a soft knock on the door and it slowly opened and my dad was revealed. He let out a loud sigh and ran towards me.

"Princess, I'm so sorry that I wasn't here. This is all my fault. I'm gonna kill every last cobra there is. They hurt my little girl." he said as he gave me a tight hug. I yelped out in pain and he let me go.

"I'm fine dad really." I said with a forced smile wincing through the pain

"Get some rest you need it. Tomorrow if you feel any good we'll go out to eat. Have some bonding time." He said as he tucked me in and planted a kiss on my forehead.

    I just smiled. I never spent a lot of time with my dad he was always so busy. All I've ever wanted since I was little was for my dad to love me and be there for me like I saw how my friends dads were, I envied them for that.

That night I actually slept. It was nice being able to actually sleep. It was probably because all of the meds I was on. I woke up and saw Max standing there the a plate of pancakes and a cheeky grin on his face.

"Why are you here max?" I said as I rubbed my eyes.

"Cheryl said that I shouldn't bring you the breakfast she made because you're hurt but I know you love pancakes." He said as he handed me the plate.

"Thanks max, love you." I said as I sat up. Pain went up my side but it was bearable.

I quickly ate the pancakes not wanting to keep him here for too long. It was weird that Cheryl made breakfast because when I'm there I've never seen her do that.

Max had left because he didn't want to get caught sneaking out. Cheryl is strict about that with Hunter and Max. I snuck out all the time and she knew but never said anything about it.

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