ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜɪʀᴛʏ

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Night falls on the city like a blanket of darkness. No stars were seen and the night was quite. A ship horn blared as it came into the dock. Shipping crates staked all around and men and women lined all the paths between them, making sure no one gets in who's not wanted. The lights flickered here and there and a cold breeze swept through the air. I pull the sleeves of my black jacket to where it consumed my hands. I jumped down from the crate approaching the medium cargo boat. My phone buzzed in my back pocket but ignored it.

I stepped on the boat as it swayed back and forth with the current. A tall man wearing all black greeted me. He just nodded and stepped out of my way. I grabbed the knife out of my boot and dug it into the side of the wooden crate. I looked inside and it was empty.

I turn around and looked at him raising my knife at the man who had greeted me.

"What the hell. Is this some kind of joke?" I said in frustration.


"Speak or I'll kill you. You're getting on my nerves so just tell me now." I took a step closer to him slashing a knife near his face but not hurting him.

"Chill out boss lady. The real shit is down below that's just a decoy." He said as he laughed and stepped of the boat.

I rolled my eyes and sure enough as I walked to the first level there were five wooden crates. I opened each and every one of them and it checked out. Two crates full of automatic guns. The other three were full of drugs that would later be distributed to our dealers around the state. I closed them all up and walked up the stairs and just nodded and a small group of men walked into the boat and went down stairs.

My boots smacked against the cement with each step. The dock now behind me as a group of vans with made up floral boutique's printed on the side. The van in the middles passenger side door opened and it was hunter who came out.

"What the hell are you doing Hunter." I asked as I leaned against my Red Ferrari.

"I have to make money somehow sis. All I do is load the things and take them to the warehouses." He said as the rest of the people got out of the car.

"Be safe hunter, I don't need to attended another funeral." I said.

"You didn't go to max and dad's so that statement is wrong." He said as he rolled his eyes and walked towards the dock.

I turned on the car and drove off. I was heading to my old house to grab more of my dads files. The house was were I spent most of my teenage years, also the place where my poor Jack was shot.

I entered the gate of the house and looked at it. I looked in utter confusion as there were two cars parked in the lit up driveway.  I parked the car in the middle of the path and ran out of the car with the gun in my hand. Two figures stood on the porch of my home.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket with my left hand and saw there was a few miss calls from Cole. I called him back quickly but hung up before he could even say a word. I stared at the figures trying to figure out who it was.

"Who is there?" I yelled out.

"Skylar, thank god I've been coming out here every single day and you're never home what the hell is up with that?" a girl voice said and as she stepped closer I saw who it was.

Julie stood there blankly looking at me. I quickly tucked the gun into the arm of my jacket while walked towards her.  The second figure stepped into the light and that's when I saw Liam. He wore a black shirt with denim jeans and just smirked at me.

"I've been worried sick about you ever since that time you left me at the club, which I'm still mad at by the way, but you haven't talked to us in forever." She whined out.

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